Proof of Life

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Went to see it just a few days ago.
I though they were both pretty sad in their acting. I mean they are both good actors, Crowe and Ryan but for this movie, I really didn't think it was as 'BIG' as they want to make it out to be. The best actor in the movie, in my opnion, was David Caruso. I love his 'salesman' attitude and all. The whole movie was DEAD slow - the only thing that came out and hit you on the head was concerning the 'distance' they took the kinappee to store them up until such time as the randsom is paid.
If I had a choice, I won't have pay to watch this movie and would have rather wait for it to come out on TV or something. Some movies are BEST watch on the BIG screen, like Star Wars, Titan AE and soon to be release, Lord of the Ring. Some are just a waste of screen space and sadly, this is one of them.
Incidentally. KnR insurance, is there such a thing ??


MovieForums Extra
Yeah, I agree, it was a bit slow...they made the mistake of putting too many emotional scenes in the beginning, which is supposed to be a big "no-no" in movies! It slowed it down quite a bit. Although I thought that some of the action scenes were really masterfully made (especially the rescue scene in the beginning, the kidnap scene and the rescue scenes at the end ). My brother thought Meg Ryan was ok in the role, but although she played it well (all things considered), I think the drama was waaaaayyy out of place. It would have done much better as a straight out action movie with a good script...

My two pesos worth anyway
Black Holes Suck!