Oscar Picks

R.I.P. David Lynch


It's so over for film as an art. The forces of mass-consumable lowest-common-denominator AI/CGI slop have scored a victory today.
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That's some bad hat, Harry.
A great loss. Thankfully, an incredible body of work to remember him by.
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Hollywood has lost one of its most creative cinematic artists ever. I love filmmakers like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, but my biggest problem with these people is that they’re too concerned with popular tastes. I’ve always reserved my greatest admiration for directors like Martin Scorsese, Terrence Malick, and Stanley Kubrick who never compromised their visions. Lynch was definitely in that category. When Lynch was at his best, as in Mulholland Dr. and Blue Velvet, there were few directors who could match him. Even his bad movies, such as Dune and Lost Highway, were fascinating to watch in their own way.
Hollywood began its creative decline long before Lynch died and will continue to do so long after his death. Not every filmmaker can be as special as Lynch, but perhaps that’s a good thing. After all, when everyone is special, then no one is.


He should have made a film about his own death to serve as his own eulogy. Nothing else is could be appropriately weird enough.

79 is still beating the average and nothing beats the smooth texture of your first drag in the morning. Some people say his genius was linked to his smoking, that his best ideas came to him in this mode of recreation. I can't begrudge a small vice that gave back tenfold. PM me for a coupon on menthols or meet me behind Winkie's for a free starter-smoke.

79 is still beating the average and nothing beats the smooth texture of your first drag in the morning. Some people say his genius was linked to his smoking, that his best ideas came to him in this mode of recreation. I can't begrudge a small vice that gave back tenfold. PM me for a coupon on menthols or meet me behind Winkie's for a free starter-smoke.
That's not a bad age for a guy with COPD and emphysema. The wonders of modern medicine.

That's not a bad age for a guy with COPD and emphysema. The wonders of modern medicine.
Yeah, that's the other part of it. It's not how long you live, but how with what quality. Chronic illness isn't fun. That anti-smoking ad with Yul Brynner comes to mind.

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
He should have made a film about his own death to serve as his own eulogy. Nothing else is could be appropriately weird enough.
David Bowie did that in a way with his amazing album "Black Star," which was an unexpected as his death.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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Yeah, that's the other part of it. It's not how long you live, but how with what quality. Chronic illness isn't fun. That anti-smoking ad with Yul Brynner comes to mind.
His final years must have been terrible.