23rd MoFo Hall of Fame


I didn't like Gangs of New York when I saw it in the theater or when I watched it several years later during a DiCaprio kick, but for some reason it worked for me this time around. I definitely didn't love it and I don't think I ever will, but I liked it enough to rank it at 5.

8th Place

(Steve McQueen, 2008)
Nominated By: @MovieGal
Rank: 8 / Score: 98 points
(1 first place, 1 second, 1 fifth, 1 sixth, 2 seventh, 1 eighth, 2 ninth, 2 tenth, 1 twelfth, 2 thirteenth)

7th Place

Stand By Me
(Rob Reiner, 1986)
Nominated By: @Sarge
Rank: 7 / Score: 119 points
(1 first place, 2 second, 2 fourth, 5 seventh, 1 eighth, 1 tenth, 1 twelfth, 1 thirteenth)

I've seen this movie a few times and it's just never really worked for me. That stupid pie eating contest scene was especially bad. I had more interest in seeing a young John Cusack than I did in anything else and he was barely in it. I still preferred it over several of the other films, though, and had it at number 8.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
dumb @ss me thought pacific time was four hours away not three.

here's mine so far:

7) The Reflecting Skin
8) The Fisher King
9) Gangs of New York
10) Hunger
11) Al-Mummia (The Mummy a.k.a The Night of Counting the Years)
12) The Great Mouse Detective
13) Stand By Me
14) Yellow Submarine

Had my nom at #8, FAR too many great films that easily were better viewing excursions. Including Reflecting Skin that was a great little surprise for me.
The lower echelon was only there due to those above beating them out. Didn't have a single bad experience in the whole lot.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio