Eraserhead Opinions


And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
I like Eraserhead well enough but not as much as many other Lynch acolytes. To me, it works best as a (very) black comedy about fatherhood.
This pretty much. It's a bleakly comical look into the insecurities, paranoia and overall anxiety of entering fatherhood.

Lynch doesn't just refuse to tie everything up with a bow; sometimes he doesn't even put the thing in a box.
This made me laugh! I am a big fan of Lynch but I have found him far more compelling when he actually maintains some kind of narrative. Lost Highway was the first one that he really threw me on. Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire, while visually impressive, fall flat for me as I can't really discern a viable story that gives me a reason that these images should be shown together. Or in a certain order. Not saying it's wrong or right but I like it when Lynch brings a box!