can anyone tell me the name of this movie?


Registered User
i cant really remember what it was about but it started off in black and white. all of these wifes were extactly the same. everything was the same. and then some people moved to this town. one of these people got one of these ladies to put on some lipstick. which was red, the actual colour red and everything was still black and white around it. then as the movie progressed everything starts to develop into more colour. the stuff that makes it into colour is seen as contraband and the strict residents of the community trys to stamp it out as it affects their perfect town.

That would be Pleasantville. Good luck on all your future endeavors, and please shut the door on your way out.
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I love Pleasantville. Such an amazing movie. I love all the character actors in it.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?