Favorite Movies With Less Than 1,000 IMDB Ratings?


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The easiest way for me to do this was to create a playlist in my media centre which sorted my ratings out for movies on IMDB that had less than 1000 votes. Pretty sure it didn't pick them all up, but here's a sample, it's not the best image quality but just about viewable:

Here's the easiest way.


Term of Trial (1962)
Desire Me (1947)
The Great Moment (1944)
Verboten! (1959)

I guess Whispering Pages is the first on my list. I'm a bit surprised it has little fanfare given that it's the best movie I've seen from a pretty well regarded director, and the best emblem of his style of delirium.

I guess Whispering Pages is the first on my list. I'm a bit surprised it has little fanfare given that it's the best movie I've seen from a pretty well regarded director, and the best emblem of his style of delirium.
That movie hits me on so many levels. Not to mention the overall look of it. You know how much of a sucker I am for films with that grainy, hazy, dream-like...look. There just aren't enough of them.

Off the top of my head (with quick cross-referencing to IMDb):

Frozen Scream
Runaway Nightmare
Skin Flicks
Long Arm of the Law

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Some good ones that I have watched recently and rated an 8/10 or higher:

I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948)
Strange Victory (1948)
Rhubarb (1951)
Black Tuesday (1954)
Blaze Starr Goes Nudist (1962)
Regrouping (1976)
Salt on the Skin (1985)
Hay alguien allí (2013)
Island of Lost Girls (2022)
Pumpkin Spiced Musical (2022)
The Slumber Party (2023)
The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed (2023)

Salt for Svanetia (1930)

Nr 10 in my all time list. Given 5* by Peter Bradshaw. 100% on RT.
Has 906 votes.

Trust (and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves to Sleep at Night) (2017)

Not one of my top films, but it's charming. Sort of a modern take on 'disaffected teen' movies (Slacker, Dazed and Confused, etc).

It currently has 15 ratings. I gave it an 8/10.

Another good one is Fire Tripper (1985). It's got 192 ratings.

It's a direct to video anime by Rumiko Takahashi, of Ranma 1/2 and Inu Yasha fame. For the unfamiliar, they're fantasy action comedies, with a lot of misunderstandings, and girls slapping men for being perverts.

Fire Tripper was more serious than her usual faire, and I enjoyed it. It's a time travel romance with some action thrown in. Another 8 out of 10.

Wait, you mean we are allowed to have favorite films with more than 1,000 ratings?
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

I don't actually wear pants.
One of my favorites is Takashi Miike's Negotiator.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.