Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?


The Adventure Starts Here!
I refuse to acquiesce! I shan't let the King's English be sullied with all sorts of balderdash, blarney, bosh, blather, bilge and hullabaloo! I say!
Hey, nobody here wants to agree with you more than I do. I hate that I have to keep buying new dictionaries and learning new grammar rules because the lowest common denominator of choices wins out every time. Ugh. Laziness of writers, speakers, people rules. It's ugly.

Hey, nobody here wants to agree with you more than I do. I hate that I have to keep buying new dictionaries and learning new grammar rules because the lowest common denominator of choices wins out every time. Ugh. Laziness of writers, speakers, people rules. It's ugly.
Are you an English teacher?

Everyone needs to correct their posts to remove the s from Daylight Saving Time. This isn't a bank, folks, we are SAVING daylight!
Does this mean you or Yoda will correct the title for me?

A system of cells interlinked
The proofreader says it's fine the way it is.
I guess this means the title stays!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Sorry, dude, this is no longer true. Merriam-Webster now says that all of these terms are interchangeable. (There's a separate short article on this on their site, but I can't find it ATM.)
I always say daylight savings.

I refuse to acquiesce! I shan't let the King's English be sullied with all sorts of balderdash, blarney, bosh, blather, bilge and hullabaloo! I say!
Trust me, Charles III doesn’t give a rat’s ass about DST.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

The way it's done doesn't make any sense. It should be reversed, so that daylight would last later in winter. We could use an extra hour of light then, and we could spare it in summer. We don't need June days to last until 9:00; 8:00 would be sufficient. But we sure could use December days that would last until 6:00 instead of only 5:00.

The way it's done doesn't make any sense. It should be reversed, so that daylight would last later in winter. We could use an extra hour of light then, and we could spare it in summer. We don't need June days to last until 9:00; 8:00 would be sufficient. But we sure could use December days that would last until 6:00 instead of only 5:00.
Very interesting idea!

For those who seek compromise, maybe we could take that idea and split the hour by just adding a half hour of daylight in the winter, and having a half hour less in the summer?

I could do without it.

But I won't lose any sleep over it. At least if I'm lucky....

It didn't used to bother me but about 6-7 years ago it started to mess with me. These spring one isn't as bad as the autumn one, but still affects me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.