Marvel Comics partnered with Toei Animation to make these films based on two of their monster comics, neither of which were still in print when these films were made. Alas, there was no Werewolf By Night film.
Last edited by Captain Terror; 08-11-21 at 08:36 PM.
As a child I owned the Fisher Price Movie Viewer, and one of the cartridges I had was Lonesome Ghosts. Depending on how fast or slow you turned the crank, you could speed the action up or slow it down, or watch it in reverse. I was the type of kid that wanted to know how things worked, so I credit this toy with helping me understand cel animation.
Lil' Cap 1974, possibly watching Lonesome Ghosts, probably in reverse.
Last edited by Captain Terror; 08-17-21 at 02:18 AM.