Jackie, portrayed by Natalie Portman, gives an unnerving insight to the assassination of JFK through the eyes of his wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. The film follows the days immediately after the assassination and hones in on the First Lady's psychological lapse and her mentality with coming to terms with the death of her husband.
Portman superbly conveys a fragile grieving widow ,who is teetering on the edge of a breakdown. Although surrounded by her family and friends, Portman depicts a vacant look of isolation for Jackie who's only comfort is to ensure that her late husband has an elaborate funeral service that will ensure he has a lasting legacy.
On occasion Jackie is seen to be battling inner turmoil questioning her actions on the day and that she should have known, she could have saved him. Natalie Portman delivers an Oscar worthy performance of a woman whom internally is unhinged trying to maintain composure for the people around her.
Jackie, portrayed by Natalie Portman, gives an unnerving insight to the assassination of JFK through the eyes of his wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. The film follows the days immediately after the assassination and hones in on the First Lady's psychological lapse and her mentality with coming to terms with the death of her husband.
Portman superbly conveys a fragile grieving widow ,who is teetering on the edge of a breakdown. Although surrounded by her family and friends, Portman depicts a vacant look of isolation for Jackie who's only comfort is to ensure that her late husband has an elaborate funeral service that will ensure he has a lasting legacy.
On occasion Jackie is seen to be battling inner turmoil questioning her actions on the day and that she should have known, she could have saved him. Natalie Portman delivers an Oscar worthy performance of a woman whom internally is unhinged trying to maintain composure for the people around her.
Last edited by rossowen; 02-03-17 at 11:48 AM.