Help identify an old sci-fi movie about skipping dimensions


Registered User
All I remember is that this movie:
1. Uses english language as means of dialogue (very certain)
2. The Setting is very sci-fiey if that makes sense. Its like post-apocalyptic if I'm not mistaken (quite certain)
3. Its quite an old movie. I will say at least before 2006 (very certain) or before 2000 (quite certain)
4. The plot is about a group of people or one people, I don't quite remember, getting thrown off into another dimension (the sci-fiey, post-apocalyptic dimension) from the normal earth. And to get back from there, they need to repair a certain device to teleport them to their own dimension. (quite certain)
5. The ending is a twist ending, in which after the device is repaired, the protagonists are sent to a beach, but that beach turns out to be a photograph located in their original dimension (the normal earth one). So basically the movie ends tragically in which the protagonists failed to return to their original dimension. (very certain)

That's all the details I remember folks. Please help me identify this movie, Thanks!

The Quiet Earth has a similar plot. People are sent to a slightly different place or reason for living. They attempt to figure out why their world chanted and how to change it back.

The end scene has a different world.

Reminds me of
The Time Travelers (Depths of the Unknown, 1964_Ib Melchior)
IMDB: tt0058659