Hilarious Email


mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
I just got this message and about died I was laughing so hard... it kind of makes me wonder why I am busting my arse to pay my way through college. Thought ya'll might enjoy reading this.

"U N I V E R S I T Y D I P L O M A S

Obtain a prosperous future, money earning power,
and the admiration of all.

Diplomas from prestigious non-accredited
universities based on your present knowledge
and life experience.

No required tests, classes, books, or interviews.

Bachelors, masters, MBA, and doctorate (PhD)
diplomas available in the field of your choice.

No one is turned down.

Confidentiality assured.

CALL NOW to receive your diploma
within days!!!"

If anyone is interested just drop me a line for a phone number. I love it!!! You can get a PhD without taking a class. Sure makes me think twice before letting someone operate on me. If you think about it though, it sure does explain a lot of college professors.

There was a report on TV in Dallas a couple of years ago that found out that a couple of city (either Dallas or one of the suburbs) employees had these sorts of mail-order degrees and had used them to qualify for their jobs. I don't recall how that all turned out, but one would think that these folks would've been fired as these degrees aren't really "real".

Also, I don't see an MD up there (and state medical boards are pretty stringent about which colleges they accept degrees from in order to license a physician), so I don't know that you need worry about someone who operates on you. Just make sure they have a medical license (and you should probably check out any complaints to and disciplinary action taken against the doctor by the State Medical Board just to be sure)

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
Don't worry Ryan, was just being sarcastic about the MD's It certainly does explain where a lot of my college professor's received their PhD's though. I've always wondered how they were able to go so far in school considering that most of them don't have enough common sense to survive a day in the real world... but hey, that's probably why the teach

(p.s If you are a professor at WMU then of course I am not talking about you... You are the best damned prof I ever had!)

MovieForums Extra
LOL I get that one all the time! If only it were that easy...
Black Holes Suck!