Need help finding a movie where emotion is illegal/frowned upon


Registered User
Release Date: Probably 80s/90s because the movie looked old
Language: Probably English (The movie was on TV when I was very little, and we mostly watched English things

I don't have much to go off of other that this one scene:
There is a kid (or kids) playing basketball in a driveway. They are dribbling the ball without expressing any emotion (i.e. dribbling up and down very slowly). One of the kids starts to dribble with some emotion (going between the legs and whatnot). While he's doing this, a car drives up (maybe a government car) and the people in the car either do something to the kid or just scare the kid, because the kid goes back to dribbling with zero emotion.

This is the only scene that I can remember, but I think the movie had something to do with a dystopian society where emotions were illegal.

I don't think the movie is "Equilibrium" or "The Giver" even though the plot line sounds similar.

Any Ideas?!?

I was going to say Equilibrium and The Giver until you said 1980s/1990s.

There is a movie called THX 1138 (1971) with a similar premise of drugged-up emotionless citizens.

If the people in the car were trying to limit his basketball ability and not his emotion, it could be based on a Harrison Bergeron movie which is based on a short story with the same name.

This may not be a movie, but an episode from "The Outer Limits" 90's version. I'm trying to find the specific episode, but it sounds VERY similar to "Essence of Life" S05E18.

Registered User
Thanks for all of the ideas!

I just watched Harrison Bergeron and that wasn't it (but it was a good movie!). I'm going to try out "The Outer Limits" episode and then watch the 1976 "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I'll keep everyone updated!

Honestly Equilibrium is the only one I can think of..... I know you said that wasn't it but it's all that comes to mind.
Equals (2015) is another example of a cold dystopia, but not the movie in question...

Emotionless society, old looking movie, and basketball? Possibly (but probably not) Pleasantville (1998).

Registered User
I watched "The Outer Limit" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978) and they weren't it. I'm wondering if emotions are even involved now. All I remember is that the kid went from dribbling up and down with no emotion to dribbling between the legs back to no emotion. There could have been many reasons for doing this, but all I can think of is that outward displays of emotion are bad for some reason.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Keep in mind there was at least one remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the 90s called just Body Snatchers (I think?) as well as one or two similar invasion type movies where emotion was a factor. Actually, I think The Invasion might be the name of one! Nicole Kidman was in that one.
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