Films You Like To Hate!


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Juno & Terminator 3.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Little Miss Sunshine - Mundane, tedious, and seriously overrated; and for some reason, I cannot stand that girl Abigail Breslin...eeesh.
Mundane and tedious? How so?

Careful, man. There's a beverage here!
Mundane and tedious? How so?
Little Miss Sunshine seemed like the Indie Movie for People Who Don't Watch Indie Movies. It's sort of like people thinking that they have well-rounded interests in music because they listen to Taylor Swift aka Country for People Who Don't Listen to Country.

I agree. Too easy.
Obscure Movie Tees actually designed for REAL movie lovers. If you don't get it, don't get it.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Little Miss Sunshine seemed like the Indie Movie for People Who Don't Watch Indie Movies. It's sort of like people thinking that they have well-rounded interests in music because they listen to Taylor Swift aka Country for People Who Don't Listen to Country.

I agree. Too easy.
That answers my question how?

Also I don't understand the logic in your analogy exactly. Is Taylor Swift a bad country music artist because people listen to her that might otherwise not listen to country? It sounds like your criticizing the audience not the artist. I find no problem with movies or music that can reach an audience that might otherwise not have have given that genre a chance.

I'm fine with people not liking Little Miss Sunshine. I've just never heard it criticized as mundane or tedious and was curious as to why someone thought so. I happen to adore the movie and I've also seen an abundance of indie movies. So, yeah.

My opinion, that was one of the worst movies that's been made in a long time.
Really? one of the worst. I think that's pushing it. It's nothing special but I wouldn't call it one of the worst films.

^ What did you think of Terminator: Salvation, or have you not seen it yet?
I haven't seen all of it yet. Got it on my computer. Am about 20 minutes into the movie, and i've liked it so far.

When someone asks you if you're a God, you say YES!!
I hear you on Clash of the Titans, the 2010 version of course. No idea how that movie is spawning a sequel, but the film is barely watchable. I know that this is probably going to be an unpopular example, but I cannot watch any Terrence Malick film. I know everybody is super psyched about Tree of Life, but Thin Red Line to me is an unwatchable film.

This goes on another thread - but I didn't even finish Thin Red Line...and I love war/military movies. Just didn't care for it.

Gone With the Wind is my favorite movie ever. I studied when I was in the 7th grade for an entire 6 weeks. We watched the movie a couple of times, read the book, and had to write an opinion research paper. Well, after all that - I ended up falling in love with the movie. (We also did Tom Sawyer the same way and I am still fond of that story).

My wife, however, can't stand Gone With the Wind - never makes it past the intermission scene.

im sorry but... anything made by tim burton except batman and beetlejuice. i understand keeping the same styles in your movies but cmon that **** gets old after a while. and use some different actors besides johnny depp and helena boham carter...its just annoying how much hype this guy gets for making the same movies over and over again

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Madea's family reunion
Madea goes to Jail
Diary of a mad black woman
Why did I get married

I've never even seen these movies (not a Tyler Perry fan) but i hate them. I am tired of the movies where one person plays multiple rolls, that only applies to a few listed above.

and use some different actors besides johnny depp and helena boham carter...
I don't see the problem. They can act and make each new character they play for Burton different. You watch the character they play in the film not the actual actor or actress.

im sorry but... anything made by tim burton except batman and beetlejuice. i understand keeping the same styles in your movies but cmon that **** gets old after a while. and use some different actors besides johnny depp and helena boham carter...its just annoying how much hype this guy gets for making the same movies over and over again
I'm afraid i couldn't agree more. Although, i will have to add The Nightmare Before Christmas to your list of exceptions.
Mr.Scripts - Movie Reviewer

"You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'm gonna get medieval on your ass."