Three Lefts Make a Right, and Three Rights Make a Left


Thanks for the reply, Matt. I guess I'm confused, as I thought most of the Democratic candidates were left wing, but it sounds like you're saying their not?

I know some of the issues you covered in your post were also endorsed by some of the Dem candidates in the first two debates. At least it sounded like they endorsed them, it's kind of hard to tell with only 3 minute sound bites of air time.

...Health care for all.
All the Dems said they were for that (I think?), but as far as I remember only Bernie and Elizabeth Warren wanted to replace privatized health care plans with Medicare. Which some call socialized medicine, do you support Bernie's and Warren's plan?

Ending homelessness would be near the top, and I could argue for the other side, "You don't want those bums lowering your property costs".
Is that a left wing issue? I would guess everyone wants to end homelessness, albeit with very different plans. Have you heard of a plan/policy that you endorse on homelessness?

but I might be considerate a moderate over immigration.
Can you expand on that? Or if not, which of the candidates positions do you agree most with? (if any)

K-12 is covered in the US, what's so radical about K-16?
I know Bernie Sanders endorsed that, do you know if any of the other candidates did?

I support Civil Rights, but I don't support affirmative action anymore. I think it only creates resentment, especially among minority groups within the working-class.
That would make you a conservative on that one issue, wouldn't? Did any of the Dem candidates have a similar view as you on affirmative action?

...I can see why some would buy a gun, despite not wanting to. I know these mass shootings are horrible, but I wouldn't want some Patriot-Act lite. Especially when they blame mental illness and video games, ruining it for everyone else. As well as a loss of privacy.
That sounds like your moderate on gun control. I wonder how much of a factor gun control issues will be in the campaigns?

When it comes to climate change, I'm mostly interested in clean water and air. I still think people need food before we tackle something like climate change, which would need a lot of cooperation and change...
That sounds like you're conservative on climate change. I noticed some of the Democratic candidates like Buttigieg made the threat of global climate change paramount to their platforms.

Speaking of Trump, he signed Criminal Justice reform, where Clinton did the opposite with Biden's help,
I hate to say this but I don't even know what the Criminal Justice reform was about?

I'm pro-abortion, and I think it shouldn't be an issue. I believe people have a right to their body.
I think Dem candidates are universal on pro abortion, aren't they? I think that will be a hot topic when it comes down to the final debates between the Dem and GOP debates.

The first thing I'd mention is the priorities. Anti-war would be at the top of my list. Health care for all. Ending homelessness would be near the top, and I could argue for the other side, "You don't want those bums lowering your property costs". For example, if we guarantee housing for all (as well as the basics I mentioned along with education), we could be do away with a minimum wage. Maybe I'm discussing left-winged populism mixed with my ideas, but I might be considerate a moderate over immigration. There's 330 million people in the US for one, but I've read enough to believe that the wages of the working-class would remain stagnant. Yes, I've read stats that illegal immigrants commit less crime, but there's no record of those who do commit crime. If any one of us breaks the law, we get into trouble. Speaking of which, this for-profit prison system must end (Kamala)..

I also disagree with a few candidates and I'd give even rich people the same benefits. Because the minute someone decides to cut education for all, the rich would be fine anyway. I also think it sets a good example that we want educated people, because no man is an island. K-12 is covered in the US, what's so radical about K-16? Americans will never be able to compete in this global world when all the 1st world countries offer higher education (along with some 2nd world countries). They'd pay higher taxes, and we'd close so many loopholes. I'd also prefer to bail out the public, as opposed to corporate bail-outs.

I hate the idea of nuclear weapons, but those aren't kitchen table issues, and I don't think the world wants to blow it all up - there's no beneficiaries. I support Civil Rights, but I don't support affirmative action anymore. I think it only creates resentment, especially among minority groups within the working-class.

I was very anti-gun living in European countries, Australia, etc., but there are more guns than Americans, and so if one has the idea that everyone is armed, I can see why some would buy a gun, despite not wanting to. I know these mass shootings are horrible, but I wouldn't want some Patriot-Act lite. Especially when they blame mental illness and video games, ruining it for everyone else. As well as a loss of privacy.

When it comes to climate change, I'm mostly interested in clean water and air. I still think people need food before we tackle something like climate change, which would need a lot of cooperation and change, but I think using solar, hydro, windmills would be good, and then use other forms to make up "when the wind doesn't blow" like Trump likes to say. Speaking of Trump, he signed Criminal Justice reform, where Clinton did the opposite with Biden's help, as well as cutting welfare for so many to give that money (small amount) compared to helping big business.

I'm pro-abortion, and I think it shouldn't be an issue. I believe people have a right to their body. Every decision will have its consequences, and they'll have to deal with it.

I was pissed to hear Bill Maher (who I liked in the late 90s) but he's a phony. He actually wished for America to have a recession. "Its worth it", he said, thinking it would help someone beat Trump. Again, out of touch. Maybe HE can afford it, but the working people who are struggling is going to ditch him because of their own personal circumstances.

Unfortunately, so much talk is over issues that affect 1%, not that they aren't important, but when people are dying due to lack of health care, I'll stick with that first. I got so tired of all this toilet talk, but no worries, I'll install 7 toilets in my 500 sq. foot rented house. They KNOW you can't legislate kindness and understanding, so they keep throwing racism and identity politics in general to win over demographics, while doing nothing for them in reality.

I'm also big on Free Speech, and really can't stand all these anti-war voices being shut down, or any dissenting voices on the right. For many reasons. I want to try and understand them, see how their mind works, but its not about me. When you ban someone on Google/YouTube, Facebook, etc., there is no other public square. Millions of people won't even have a chance to judge. You can't have freedom and expect perfection. I also think as a result of all these bans and domain closures, millions of people who identify with the El Paso shooter's philosophy will say "See, they are shutting us down", which might backfire. I'm not as big on isms as I am with results. I don't like group think, and I think we have to do what is best for ourselves and those around us. What worked 50 years ago cannot work today because we lived in a different society. I've heard of automation dividends, and it sounds like a good idea. I also think as a result of this, people would cooperate, maybe have more respect for their fellow man, as blaming each other for the social ills. I also can't stand when partisans cheer certain outcomes because it makes "the other guy" look bad, when in fact, we ALL live in this country, and "bad things" affect everyone.
I like a lot of what you say, but I'm curious about some things.

Isn't it impossible for illegal immigrants to commit less crime, seeing that being in the country illegally is a crime itself? Not trying to justify any laws, but laws do need to be respected and enforced.

A bail out for the public sounds nice, but isn't it more important to protect those who provide the jobs?

You seem to have a thing about mental illness getting blamed for some of these crimes. I don't like to think of it as blame but rather finding a reason why it happened. I think all of these mass shooters must be imbalanced to some extent.

Bill Maher is a jackass just like anyone who wants Trump to fail. We should all want any president to succeed because that's what's best for our country.

1 million is still 1 million. I fail to see why scale matters.
How could you not? If the conflict is larger, being involved at all will lead to a larger number of potential casualties, even if great pains are taken to reduce them, relative to a smaller conflict. This is perfectly self-evident, and I'm not sure what part is even supposed to be arguable.

The point remains that we maintained a sustained bombing effort on the pockets of city civilians.
Aye, that point remains because it is not under dispute. And it's not under dispute because it does not conflict with the idea that we actually engaged in massive national sacrifice to reduce civilian casualties. Relative to what was possible while still actually, ya' know, defeating the Nazis, that is.

This number might have been small but it doesn’t change the fact that we bombed the crap out of civilians.
Sadly, this is the kind of thing that happens when Nazis take over cities full of civilians. So unless it'd have been better to let them have it, I think we have a standard "lesser of two evils" kind of situation. Sadly common with many military actions, but any serious critique of those actions has to be compared to alternatives.

You ready? You look ready.
America bombs civilians. It’s what we do.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

You ready? You look ready.
You seem to have a thing about mental illness getting blamed for some of these crimes. I don't like to think of it as blame but rather finding a reason why it happened. I think all of these mass shooters must be imbalanced to some extent.
I think that mental health has made great strides to progress to where we are today, but we still need more progress. That said I am concerned when people talk about mass shootings and mental health as a correlation issue. (I’m not saying that’s what you’re saying, tho) But when the media and people do tie those two together it undoes progress made by so many to get mental health out of the dark. I definitely think it makes talking about mental health more difficult.

I think that mental health has made great strides to progress to where we are today, but we still need more progress. That said I am concerned when people talk about mass shootings and mental health as a correlation issue. (I’m not saying that’s what you’re saying, tho) But when the media and people do tie those two together it undoes progress made by so many to get mental health out of the dark. I definitely think it makes talking about mental health more difficult.
I don't think most people are trying to be insensitive, but these people can't be mentally stable, can they? It also paints a more sympathetic picture of the perpetrator.

You ready? You look ready.
I don't think most people are trying to be insensitive, but these people can't be mentally stable, can they? It also paints a more sympathetic picture of the perpetrator.
Actually I would say that, by and large, mass shooters are not mentally unstable, but it does depend on the type of shooting. I would say mental instability is less of a factor than the others: radicalization, isolation, and unfettered access to firearms.

You ready? You look ready.
Not when the ultra humane Trump rules the roost.
You're right there. But he wants to outsource our weaponry to nations with anti-human rights, so I’m against that.

But on a serious note I’m not in favor of selling any of our weaponry to anyone.

If it wasn't for America saving Europe's ass in WWII, you'd be under Nazi control. We sacrificed millions of our young men in both World Wars so that you have the freedom today to post your silly anti-American memes...think about that.

  1. i can't make my mind that under nazi control we wouldn't be so different from today, i also blame america for that
  2. i didn't really need anyone during the ww2, since i'm from portugal we were independent, and because of that independence we were the safest place for jews to arrive, and we saved millions of them, thanks to that our people starved
  3. if you go to any european country they'll never say you're anti-(some country) for criticizing some aspect related to that or other country, only in totalitarian countries that idea is applied, like america, you get called anti-american for criticizing something. they've infected there population with a false patriotism and the necessary violence to pillage everyone they please around the globe
  4. america didn't grant any freedom to any country on earth, especially there own, do you think we're free? they created a false freedom flag to pillage and destroy nations, and they keep on doing it, and you believe them

now, i like america, is a love and hate, i like the creativity american minorities had,
especially in music, i like the architecture of the rough areas, i like the influences there,
i like some of the mentality, is also a place where most of the movements are born

A considerable portion of other countries believe if ever attacked it will be by the US. That really makes me sad.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I like a lot of what you say, but I'm curious about some things.

Isn't it impossible for illegal immigrants to commit less crime, seeing that being in the country illegally is a crime itself? Not trying to justify any laws, but laws do need to be respected and enforced.

A bail out for the public sounds nice, but isn't it more important to protect those who provide the jobs?

You seem to have a thing about mental illness getting blamed for some of these crimes. I don't like to think of it as blame but rather finding a reason why it happened. I think all of these mass shooters must be imbalanced to some extent.

Bill Maher is a jackass just like anyone who wants Trump to fail. We should all want any president to succeed because that's what's best for our country.
I believe those laws should be respected, and I don't favor it being a civil offense. If you or I break the law, we have to pay for it. I've been around many borders, and I actually met a few smuggling other people in Greece, and for them it was just a job, but I don't think they should have one. Then again, if corporations were REALLY penalized, border crossings would go down. Big industry likes cheap labor. I think we can pick our own fruit (but of course the wages will have to go up). I worked on a tomato farm in Australia, while everyone else was doing it to get a 2nd work holiday visa (one year) as long as they didn't get in trouble. I think a majority of illegal immigration are overstays.

I don't think much can be done about gun violence but I think banning assault weapons can help. Maybe even have anonymous buy-back programs. The cops in Dayton had hand-guns, which can't compete with an AK-47, or an AR-46, etc... I don't think it takes much time to figure out people have problems. I think there's a lot of mentally ill people, and I do blame technology for dehumanizing society, but its still no excuse. I don't want another Patriot Act, either.

Thanks for the reply, Matt. I guess I'm confused, as I thought most of the Democratic candidates were left wing, but it sounds like you're saying their not?

I know some of the issues you covered in your post were also endorsed by some of the Dem candidates in the first two debates. At least it sounded like they endorsed them, it's kind of hard to tell with only 3 minute sound bites of air time.

All the Dems said they were for that (I think?), but as far as I remember only Bernie and Elizabeth Warren wanted to replace privatized health care plans with Medicare. Which some call socialized medicine, do you support Bernie's and Warren's plan?

Is that a left wing issue? I would guess everyone wants to end homelessness, albeit with very different plans. Have you heard of a plan/policy that you endorse on homelessness?

Can you expand on that? Or if not, which of the candidates positions do you agree most with? (if any)

I know Bernie Sanders endorsed that, do you know if any of the other candidates did?

That would make you a conservative on that one issue, wouldn't? Did any of the Dem candidates have a similar view as you on affirmative action?

That sounds like your moderate on gun control. I wonder how much of a factor gun control issues will be in the campaigns?

That sounds like you're conservative on climate change. I noticed some of the Democratic candidates like Buttigieg made the threat of global climate change paramount to their platforms.

I hate to say this but I don't even know what the Criminal Justice reform was about?

I think Dem candidates are universal on pro abortion, aren't they? I think that will be a hot topic when it comes down to the final debates between the Dem and GOP debates.

All these candidates (except Bernie) were all against this for 99% of their career. They saw Hillary didn't win, they saw the energy with Bernie, so they just played copy-cat, with a few minor tweaks so it wasn't too obvious (it still is)... I would support Bernie and Warren's plan on health care.

The candidates now are talking reparations, but that had never been mentioned until now. I am not in favor of reparations. I prefer doing something for "the public", and they can expedite and allocate money for poor sections of town, which would help minorities the most, without framing it that way - you don't want 80% of the country feeling like they've been left out, causing resentment between poor whites and poor black/browns. They're playing extreme to their base, and then they'll fly to the center for the general election - happens every time.

As for homelessness, building single-unit housing in a facility would help all around the country, as opposed to these tent cities.

As for the environment, there are cities like Flint with bad water. I'm sure some people fear more regulation might cost them their job, and I don't blame them. They don't have 12 years to wait on for food, but again, if we didn't cut food stamps (which I think is cruel), we could proceed with more robust change.

Trump signed law which let out over 3,000 people for non-violent crimes, as well as reversals or time shortened for those serving because of crack convictions. I remember W. saying how the disparity between smoked and snorted cocaine "Wasn't fair".. I know good behavior was another way they could shorten sentences, and there is funding for programs to get them assimilated back into society. Abortion is the only thing both parties are regularly consistent on.

America bombs civilians. It’s what we do.
This is glib, reductive, and doesn't respond to anything I said.

If you don't want to discuss this stuff in depth, whatever, but you keep tossing out loaded accusations and claims and then show little to no interest in defending them at any length. Not cool. I've only got so many hours in the day and I'd like to know before I sit down to respond seriously that the other person's just going to deflect it.

A considerable portion of other countries believe if ever attacked it will be by the US. That really makes me sad.
I think so, too, but probably for a different reason.

A lot of the world has a warped view of America that's sometimes blatantly at odds with even basic facts, as we're seeing evidence of right in this thread.

In terms of population, sure, but that's horrendously misleading because American military might is (and was) disproportionately built on technology. It also ignores the fact that most of those little dinosaurs were defending their own doorstep, and the American T-Rex crossed an ocean to support it.

i can't make my mind that under nazi control we wouldn't be so different from today, i also blame america for that

(...) and the American T-Rex crossed an ocean to support it.
yes, they crossed the ocean for the last day and made movies about it

i can't make my mind that under nazi control we wouldn't be so different from today, i also blame america for that
america bullying every single country to get there resources, there 1% owns almost everything,
the ones they don't own are pretty much the same or worse,
russia is a oligarchy, there head is a psychopathic ex- kgb where everything is based on corruption
china doesn't know what human rights are, everyone controlled working for some to buy iphones

i think it's like in this scene from the movie stroszek that i love very much

yes, they crossed the ocean for the last day and made movies about it
First: you think Normandy was like "the last day"? Seriously?

Second: note you didn't respond to either point I made (about the fact that it wasn't our fight, and the distinction between population and actual contribution to the war effort itself).

america bullying every single country to get there resources, there 1% owns almost everything,
This is just straight-up false, but I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the misrepresentations about gun violence, so I'm not sure how much I should bother expounding here. Between those claims and these, it feels quite clear to me that you've formed a hasty opinion of America, again, based on whatever stray news stories happen to reach you. That's not a good way to form an impression (let alone a condemnation!) of any nation, let alone one of this size.

Even if this were true (and again, it demonstrably isn't), the idea that this is as bad as being ruled by Nazis is pretty out there. I hope you don't sincerely believe that, but if you do, tell me now so I know not to waste any more time on this conversation.

You ready? You look ready.
This is glib, reductive, and doesn't respond to anything I said.

If you don't want to discuss this stuff in depth, whatever, but you keep tossing out loaded accusations and claims and then show little to no interest in defending them at any length. Not cool. I've only got so many hours in the day and I'd like to know before I sit down to respond seriously that the other person's just going to deflect it.
I don't need to defend my "loaded accusations and claims". History defends them.

Besides, when have I ever done anything other than glib and reductive? This isn't rocket science.

I don't need to defend my "loaded accusations and claims". History defends them.
Just saying "history defends them" is not defending them, since anyone can say that sans elaboration. Ditto for the "you proved my point" refrains without ever articulating how your point was proven.

There's really no point in replying if you're just going to deflect stuff. I think you know that. And I don't think you'd like it if everyone responded to your arguments like this, either.

Besides, when have I ever done anything other than glib and reductive? This isn't rocket science.
"I've always been this way" isn't a defense of any type of behavior. It's also not true. We used to have lots of thorough and substantive discussions, even when we disagreed.

You ready? You look ready.
Just saying "history defends them" is not defending them, since anyone can say that sans elaboration. Ditto for the "you proved my point" refrains without ever articulating how your point was proven.

There's really no point in replying if you're just going to deflect stuff. I think you know that. And I don't think you'd like it if everyone responded to your arguments like this, either.
I just don't have the time to hold anyone's hand and walk them through a close reading of the material they post. But if it proves my point I will gladly shake their hand, say thanks, and carry on. This is how I exercise my first amendment rights: politely.

"I've always been this way" isn't a defense of any type of behavior. It's also not true. We used to have lots of thorough and substantive discussions, even when we disagreed.
Sure, topics with complex ideas and lots of gray area, whereas this was self-evident.