The MoFo Voice Thread


This is an ad-lib with some dedications to our group, the members, and anything that came to my head. Hope you enjoy.

"It's all about the reps."
-Don Corleone

Here -
Of course this one is my favorite. I love the ending, too. That was a great job.

I haven't even found my microphone yet. Can I just turn that on, and yell at my laptop?

I believe the first is Neiba

and the second...

was Camo
My word, I found it. I was looking for your audio, somewhere before the comments that were posted about it. I'm OK! You have a very nice voice. It's a bit deep, like mine. Not nasal like at all. I can't remember what you called it.

Oh my goodness, Mr. Stay Puft and I have been missing out!

Miss V, I'm currently logging in from my phone and I have no idea what I'd say. But all the recordings I've heard so far are great!

Well....I don't want to brag or anything
Then cough it up. I would actually expect a deep voice from you. I don't know why, really. Do we even know what you look like yet. If I've asked you that before, just ignore me . . . or remind me. It's your choice.

To Miss Vicky . . . What was that again about crack?

Oh my goodness, Mr. Stay Puft and I have been missing out!

Miss V, I'm currently logging in from my phone and I have no idea what I'd say. But all the recordings I've heard so far are great!

Chicken. I think you should record something like what we were discussing last night.

That was funny. Short but sweet.

You actually don't sound much different than I would have imagined. Not at all. You have a nice voice.

I don't think so.

I can't wait to see what thread Destiny creates for all of this *****
You do realize we are in the "MoFo Voice Thread", yes? I'm feelin' pretty sure this wouldn't go anywhere else.