The Official WWE Wrestling Thread. All Things Pro Wrestling.


“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Bray can't catch a break can he? Hope it's not too serious.

Raw was actually pretty good this Monday. They got a killer midcard right now.

Oh what a horrible blast from the past! He was the fattest most overrated sloppiest mess.....he made Hakeem look like a gymnast. Viscera hurt more workers unintentionally cause he couldnt manage his own fat moving around.

Bam Bam Bigelow was the best big man in the ring
Bam Bam was da man! When in his prime he was like a 300 lbs cat in that ring. Guys loved working with Bam. Even guys that didnt get along with him respected him.

I'm against the majority on this one. I think Big Show is really underrated as a performer of his size. Naturally he has gotten a lot slower with his age in recent years but early on he was a powerhouse. He was the measuring stick for strength. If you could perform your finisher on Big Show you could perform it on anyone. Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Goldberg. People never cut sick bigger then when these guys picked up the Big Show. I lost it when Cena agree his character is awful from terrible booking and flip flopping heel and face but overall he has always put in 100% for the company. He has been put in some terrible celebrity matches at mania over the years but he takes it all and seems like a genuine good bloke.

Yeah Kevin Nash almost killed The Big Show cause he couldnt lift him up. Nash Ofcourse Blames Big Show for the botch but its clear that He told people he could lift Big Show when he only could kinda.

I bet The Bullet Club is new Athority enforcers and we are gonna get a Bullet Club Feud with The Shield Reforming for a short Time Too Fight Them.

Remembering g Joanie better known as chyna as she was found dead rip.9th wonder of the world. Somewhere hhh is. Very sad and Stephanie will not get why.

RIP Chyna

True fact, pro-wrestling (or sports entertainment) has a higher mortality rate than the movie and music industry. Too much juice, too many painkillers, too many days on the road, and just too physically demanding to be performing as often as they do. The wear and tear is such that the effects become permanent, and too many die young.

Agreed TONGO, it's crazy how many wrestlers die young. Less than a month before Chyna two ECW wrestlers, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney, passed away and both were in their 40s also.

Wrestlers get so little respect but they're the ones that get their bodies torn up more than any other athlete in any sport. They have to try to maintain there image while also dealing with the constant pain of performing 300 matches a year.

RIP Chyna.

Agreed TONGO, it's crazy how many wrestlers die young. Less than a month before Chyna two ECW wrestlers, Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney, passed away and both were in their 40s also.

Wrestlers get so little respect but they're the ones that get their bodies torn up more than any other athlete in any sport. They have to try to maintain there image while also dealing with the constant pain of performing 300 matches a year.

RIP Chyna.
It seemed like it all started with Brian Pillman, and then got progressively worse from there. I was following the business thru Dave Meltzers Wrestling Observer, it was the only true definitive honest news what goes on behind the scenes in the business. It still is the #1 source on the industry, but there are many copycats out since.

After Chris Benoit though, I was done. Benoit was just so respected and revered worldwide inside the industry, Benoit was to pro-wrestling like Ted Williams was to baseball, the best. Then that happened.....I was done following the business. To depressing to enjoy when you realize the true price thats being paid.

Of course these are the workers from Hulk Hogan till the end of the Attitude era, will Seth Rollins be alive in 20 years or Cena? I dont see normal physiques, they still work them to death, and I dont know how itll be any different.

Roddy Piper and Dusty Rhodes died this year too. I wait any day to hear Ric Flair kicking the bucket. Its a shame Chyna will not get in the hall of fame while she was alive. all because Stephanie wouldnt allow it.

5 Chris Jericho

Not sure what is about canadian Wrestlers but they sure can have good matches and Jericho has had some amazing wrestlers.He is third best mic talker after The Rock and Stone Cold.

Why? I think they are two of the more interesting/entertaining big men but it is pretty nuts finding those two the best.
I think there are a different between saying someone is the best, and saying these are my personal favorites... and yes as you said they are interesting and entertaining. I haven't watched that much wrestling again, and I don't have a channel to watch it on, so I'm choosing my personal favorites out of the ones I've seen.

Sorry i meant why are they your favourites?
I think for me the attraction is their personas. I can't say anything about their wrestling style, and whatever you would call it. I think I enjoy the scary element to it - with Kane being huge and wearing a mask, just looking kind of scary. So yeah I prefer him in the outfit I posted, and not as he looks here:

The Undertaker is just a cool, scary goth dude.

So as you can tell for me it's all about the persona they are portraying.