Word Association



chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
(the) toilet
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

If i could laugh, I´d love you; If I could smile at anything you said, We could be laughing lovers; I think you prefer to be miserable instead...("Im your villain", Franz Fedinand)

I am having a nervous breakdance
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.



Can we try with real bullets now?
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

Can we try with real bullets now?