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Does anyone else take notes when watching films at cinema?


I usually go to the movies several times a week (unless there’s an unusual dearth of films I want to see, but even then, I’ll try to watch ‘something’). Quite often I find myself jotting down thoughts (in a notebook, yes, in the dark). I don’t do it to post it anywhere, or to inform a review, or even to tell anybody, necessarily — it’s more that I feel I’ll forget this or that thought that came to my mind by the time the film has ended.

Is that utterly bonkers, or does anyone else do something similar?

I do take notes which I won't necessarily post anywhere. Makes me feel I'm "absorbing" the film (or books) better for myself...

I don't take them while watching things in cinema though, that seems like an odd obsession.
HEI guys.

I do take notes which I won't necessarily post anywhere. Makes me feel I'm "absorbing" the film (or books) better for myself...

I don't take them while watching things in cinema though, that seems like an odd obsession.
Well yes, I am rather odd. I used to do it on my phone for a bit years ago with reduced brightness, but that understandably infuriates others, so I kicked that habit. Ah well.

Of course, every now and then, a film will come out that’s so breathtaking I’ll forget to take notes, heh. I do recall the last time that happened.

I don't actually wear pants.
I don't take notes at all. If it's worth remembering, I won't need notes to remember it. If I forget it, and I want to remember it, I'll watch it again, and again if I need to remember it again. I have plenty of free time so it's no problem. Then again my situation is weird so I have a different approach than most people.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

I don't take notes at all. If it's worth remembering, I won't need notes to remember it. If I forget it, and I want to remember it, I'll watch it again, and again if I need to remember it again. I have plenty of free time so it's no problem.
I need to learn from this.

If I did, I wouldn't know exactly where I'm writing.

When I watch a film at the cinema, my eyes tend to be glued to the screen. I'm very particular about any extra light or sound that is not from the screen.

I do not like to sit around ppl who chat during a film and phones need to off and put away.

I don't actually wear pants.
I need to learn from this.
It's worked for me.

I remember when I watched Blade Runner for the first time the film floated in my head and I couldn't quite remember some poignant lines, and I decided I should watch the film again to remind myself of the lines because I really liked the movie.

I know it's happened the other way where I think, "Wow I can't remember what this badly-written character said in a movie I hate," and then I realize I'm not fussed over it because I didn't care about the movie, so it matters naught and I don't rewatch it, and it never bothers me again.

If I want to remember a movie, I watch it a few times. If I didn't like the movie, I might write a short review that explains why I dislike it, and then I never watch it again. Movies aren't chores; we should watch them to enjoy them and not to dissect them. No one cares about the painting in scene seventeen shot forty-eight, Marvin. It was pretty so they hung it up. It means nothing.

I usually go to the movies several times a week (unless there’s an unusual dearth of films I want to see, but even then, I’ll try to watch ‘something’). Quite often I find myself jotting down thoughts (in a notebook, yes, in the dark). I don’t do it to post it anywhere, or to inform a review, or even to tell anybody, necessarily — it’s more that I feel I’ll forget this or that thought that came to my mind by the time the film has ended.

Is that utterly bonkers, or does anyone else do something similar?
That's... ...a little... ...dedicated.

I don't actually wear pants.
If I did, I wouldn't know exactly where I'm writing.

When I watch a film at the cinema, my eyes tend to be glued to the screen. I'm very particular about any extra light or sound that is not from the screen.

I do not like to sit around ppl who chat during a film and phones need to off and put away.
I remember once recently we took my kiddos to the theater and one of them made a noise during the movie, so I checked on the child. The child was fine, except when I went to check, looking down from the screen into the dark made me dizzy. I almost fell out of my chair. Well... probably not. It just felt like it. That solidified my idea of "Only watch the movie; naught else," in the theater.

I remember once recently we took my kiddos to the theater and one of them made a noise during the movie, so I checked on the child. The child was fine, except when I went to check, looking down from the screen into the dark made me dizzy. I almost fell out of my chair. Well... probably not. It just felt like it. That solidified my idea of "Only watch the movie; naught else," in the theater.
We spend too far much of our time at the periphery of the living moment that it is inviting us into it.

I don't actually wear pants.
We spend too far much of our time at the periphery of the living moment that it is inviting us into it.
Except I don't think it's supposed to give us motion sickness when we're sitting still.

I don't actually wear pants.
I was being facetious and honest at the same time. Like "Hooray you're here!" but said in a tongue-in-cheek way. I have no idea how to explain this...

Yeah if it doesn't bug the other movie-goers, even if it's eccentric, I don't really see the harm. I mouth the lyrics to songs I know. It doesn't disturb anyone because it's inaudible. I once took a pair of mentally handicapped people to the theater and one of them would read aloud the captions when it would fade to a new place and time. I didn't stop him because those were the only times he talked and it lasted like two seconds each time and I could hear him because I sat next to him and he was quiet. He did it to help himself process the words. I made sure he didn't offend anyone although it was a sparse room and no one reacted, so I didn't worry about it. Cinema ettiequte is huge for me. Taking notes, although I'm not sure how you see your paper?, is a bit weird to me, but if it doesn't bother anyone, there's no real harm.

Also I'm the one who never took notes in undergrad, so I'm a worthless barometer for note-taking benchmarks. If I want to remember something, I'll find a way to do so.