Oscar Picks

My 300 films to watch before you die


This is a list of my all-time favorite films. Numbers 1 to 100 are my favorite films in order. Number 1 being my all-time favourite film. The rest of the list are films that are still right up there for me.

Let me know what numbers are your favorite films on my list.

1.. Blade Runner

2.. Alien

3.. 2001 Space Odyssey

4.. The Shining

5.. Gone with the wind

6.. Taxi driver

7.. Apocalypse Now

8.. Vertigo

9.. A Clockwork Orange

10.. The lighthouse

11.. There Will be blood

12.. Fight Club

13.. China Town

14.. Stalker

15.. Kwaidan

16.. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind

17.. Lawrence of Arabia

18.. Donnie Darko

19.. Metropolis

20.. Last life in the Universe

21.. Midnight Cowboy

22.. Black Swan

23.. Ex Machina

24.. The Exorcist

25.. No country for old men

26.. Paris Texas

27.. One who flew over the cuckoo's nest

28.. Unforgiven

29.. The Godfather

30.. The Fountain

31.. A lonely place

32.. Persona

33.. Seven samurai

34.. Dolls... 2002 Japanese film

35.. Memento

36.. Come and see

37.. 12 Angry men

38.. Ran

39.. Solaris.. original*

40.. The Thing

41..American Beauty

42.. Paths of glory

43.. North by North West

44.. In Bruges

45.. The Wicker man

46.. Jaws

47.. The Maltese falcon

48.. Mulholland Drive

49.. Rosemary's Baby

50.. Wings of desire

51.. All quiet on the Western front

52.. Cool hand Luke

53.. It's such a beautiful day

54.. Children of men

55.. Inglorious Bastards

56.. Don't look now

57.. First reform

58.. Schindler's list

59.. Maborosi

60.. I saw the devil

61.. The Revenant*

62.. Wild strawberries

63.. Texas chainsaw massacre

64.. Son of Saul

65.. Rear window

66.. The human condition

67.. Threads

68.. Melancholia

69.. Bridge on the river kwai

70.. Eyes without a Face

71.. Hana bi

72.. Deliverance

73.. House...1977

74.. Andrea Rovblev

75.. Butch Cassie and the Sundance kid

76.. Indiana Jones*

77.. The father

78.. Collateral

79.. The banshees of inisherin

80.. The terminator*

81.. Memories of murder*

82.. The green mile*

83.. Yojimbo*

84.. Mother…2009 Japanese film*

85.. Field of dreams

86.. Whiplash*

87.. The Great escape*

88.. The third man

89.. Cat on a hot tin roof

90.. Gattaca

91.. Vivre Sa vie

92.. American werewolf in London

93.. On the waterfront

94.. Lost in translation

95.. The graduate

96.. Planet of the apes

97.. The passenger

98.. L'avventura

99.. Fallen angels

100.. The matrix*

101.. A Tokyo story*

102.. The time machine*

103.. Platoon*

104.. Drive

105.. Ivan's childhood

106.. What's eating Gilbert grape

107.. Dr zhivago

108.. Gladiator*

109.. Shawshank redemption*

110.. The station agent*

111.. Invasion of the body snatchers…1978

112.. A streetcar named desire*

113.. The empire strikes back*

114 Sorcerer

115.. The sunset limited

116.. Love Liza

117.. The master

118.. Under the skin

119.. The lobster*

120.. The house that jack built

121.. The hound of the*Baskervilles

122.. Battle royale.. 122

123.. The taste of tea..123

124.. Midnight express*

125.. Lord of the rings

126.. Ordet

127.. Silence of the lambs*

128.. Dracula… 1996*

129.. The wizard of oz

130.. Night moves*

131.. Seven*

132.. Pulp fiction*

133.. Blue Jasmine**

134.. Leon

135.. Itchy the killer

136.. Inside llewyn Davis

137.. Heretic*

138.. Old boy*

139.. The Descent*

140.. American psycho*

141.. Punch drunk love*

142.. East of Eden

143.. Artificial intelligence

144.. Ikiru

145.. Interstellar*

146.. The Hunt

147.. The American friend*

148.. Awakenings

149.. The king of comedy*

150.. Calvary*

151.. Hot Fuzz*

152.. Her

153..* Jurassic park*

154.. If…

155.. Nightcrawler*

156.. Breathless

157.. Repulsion*

158.. Scarface*

159.. The fly…1986

160.. The thin red line*

161.. Life is beautiful*

162.. Casablanca

163.. Full metal jacket

164.. A trip to the moon

165.. Orpheus*

166.. Sunshine

167.. Parasite*

168.. Falling down**

169.. Cape fear…1991

170.. The deer hunter*

171.. Moon

172.. Cast away*

173.. The conversationalist*

174.. A beautiful mind*

175.. Point blank

176.. The good the bad and the ugly*

177.. The mosquito coast

178.. Aguirre the raff of god

179.. The Omen*

180.. Burning*

181.. The Road*

182.. Million dollar baby*

183.. Leaving las Vegas**

184.. The Truman show

185.. Chungking express*

186.. Trainspotting*

187.. The fisher king*

188.. A straight story

189.. The grey

190.. You were never really here

191.. Reservoir dogs

192.. After hours

193.. Shame

199.. American history X*

200.. Witness*

201.. Possession…1981**

202.. Carrie*

203.. Dogtooth*

204.. The machinist

205.. The Abyss*

206.. Stand by me*

207.. 28 days later*

208.. Wind river*

209.. The pianist*

210.. Heat*

211.. Gone girl*

212.. Dead poet society

213.. Point Break

214.. The witch*

215.. Last of the Mohicans***

216.. Brief encounter*

217.. Salo..120 days of solem

218.. The Hitcher*

219.. Fatal attraction*

220.. The edge*

221.. Jacob's ladder*

222.. Howards end*

223.. The wrestler*

224.. Rebecca*

225.. Basic instinct*

226.. Scent of a woman

227..* It's a wonderful life

228.. May*

229.. Arrival**

230.. Nosferatu*

231.. Angel heart*

232.. Videodrom*

233.. Before the devil knows you're dead*

234.. Logan's run*

235.. Kung Fury*

236.. Avengement

237.. Frankenstein*

238.. Shutter Island*

239.. Tucker and Dale versus evil

240.. Das Boot

241.. Nostalgia*

242.. Pan's Labyrinth*

243.. Predator*

244.. Little miss sunshine*

245.. One hour photo*

246.. Magnolia*

247.. Hero

248.. Rambo*

249.. La notte*

250.. Five easy pieces*

251.. Shoplifters*

252.. The English patient*

253.. Lars and the real girl*

254.. The six senses*

255.. Pearl

256.. The elephant man

257.. Sin city

258.. The Dancing pig..1907

259.. Rain man*

260.. Die hard

261.. Breath in

262.. Dr No

263.. Inception*

264.. Train to Busan

265.. Lethal weapon*

266.. The machine*

267.. Rocky*

268.. The African Queen

269.. Big country

270.. Flatliners

271.. The last detail*

272.. Prisoners*

273.. Night of the living dead

274.. The French connection*

275.. Saving private Ryan*

276.. Spirited away*

277.. Batman The dark Knight*

278.. The guest*

279.. The outlaw Josie Wales

280.. Dancing with wolves*

281.. Good by Lennon*

282.. Good morning Vietnam*

283.. Bronson

284.. Total recall*

285.. kill Bill*

286.. ET the Extra terrestrial*

287.. What we do in the shadows*

288.. Poltergeist

289.. Citizen kane

290.. Bittersweet Life*

291.. Thief*

292.. Singing in the rain

293.. Wolfman

294.. Midnight train*

295.. Casino royale*

296.. A fistful of dollars*

297.. Enter the dragon*

298.. The book of Eli*

299.. Groundhog Day

300.. King Kong.. Original

I appreciate that the Lighthouse is high in your list. It's a fantastic film.

But Psycho didn't make the list? Ouch.

My favorites are


Just by skimming through your list the stand outs for me are:
48.. Mulholland Drive
79.. The banshees of inisherin
151.. Hot Fuzz*
211.. Gone girl*
229.. Arrival**
275.. Saving private Ryan*

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Nothing against the OP but in general I hate movie list titles named like: Films to Watch Before You Die and on MoFo's List Section with Film4's 50 Films To See Before You Die

Talk about a depressing way of writing something. I find those movie list titles insensitive and poorly written. And what's the point of watching movies if you then get to die when you're done???...You won't be remembering those movies anyway. We've gotten rid off a lot of insensitive words and phrases and this is one that needs to go.

A much better way would be to call these life goal list: 100 Movies to See In Your Lifetime. That's a more positive way of stating the same thing.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Excellent list. Nothing much to disagree with. Going down my top 10 in my profile (it could change from day to day, though), it syncs with yours this way:

Sense and Sensibility (what do you think?)
The Beauty Inside (Korean version; utterly charming)
Dr. Strangelove

What I find more interesting in these discussions is how we compare the virtues of particular works when deciding on our personal order. Not challenging your picks, but instead just seeing that there could be endless avenues of discussion here. For example, what about "Gone with the Wind" puts it in your top 10 and how does it excel over, say, "Pulp Fiction," which doesn't break your 100? Again, just wondering if you'd share what you value as you're doing your list.
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

I appreciate that the Lighthouse is high in your list. It's a fantastic film.

But Psycho didn't make the list? Ouch.

My favorites are


I genuinely forgot to put psycho 🤦 Yeah the lighthouse is a masterpiece of our time. I think we've all wanted to smash up a seagull at one point or another

Nothing against the OP but in general I hate movie list titles named like: Films to Watch Before You Die and on MoFo's List Section with Film4's 50 Films To See Before You Die

Talk about a depressing way of writing something. I find those movie list titles insensitive and poorly written. And what's the point of watching movies if you then get to die when you're done???...You won't be remembering those movies anyway. We've gotten rid off a lot of insensitive words and phrases and this is one that needs to go.

A much better way would be to call these life goal list: 100 Movies to See In Your Lifetime. That's a more positive way of stating the same thing.

Nothing offensive for about calling a spade a spade. Death is a natural part of life and if the title reminds people of their own mortality it will hopefully reinforce the importance of making each moment count.

Excellent list. Nothing much to disagree with. Going down my top 10 in my profile (it could change from day to day, though), it syncs with yours this way:

Sense and Sensibility (what do you think?)
The Beauty Inside (Korean version; utterly charming)
Dr. Strangelove

What I find more interesting in these discussions is how we compare the virtues of particular works when deciding on our personal order. Not challenging your picks, but instead just seeing that there could be endless avenues of discussion here. For example, what about "Gone with the Wind" puts it in your top 10 and how does it excel over, say, "Pulp Fiction," which doesn't break your 100? Again, just wondering if you'd share what you value as you're doing your list.

That's a great point. Pulp fiction and Gone with the wind are masterpieces in their own right so it's not fair to say one is objectively better than the other. I would like to think things are only subjective to a point though, as I can confidently say Gone with the wind is a better film than sausage party. I realise saying this though I'm probably contradicting myself as art is subjective.

I agree with doctor strange love I forgot to add that one. I haven't seen sense and sensibility though.

Just by skimming through your list the stand outs for me are:
48.. Mulholland Drive
79.. The banshees of inisherin
151.. Hot Fuzz*
211.. Gone girl*
229.. Arrival**
275.. Saving private Ryan*

Yeah I grew up on the Hot Fuzz i always buy a Cornetto before watching it 😄

This is a list of my all-time favorite films. Numbers 1 to 100 are my favorite films in order. Number 1 being my all-time favourite film. The rest of the list are films that are still right up there for me.

Let me know what numbers are your favorite films on my list.

These are the movies on your list that are some of my "favorite" movies:
8.. Vertigo
16.. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
37.. 12 Angry Men
43.. North by Northwest
46.. Jaws
47.. The Maltese Falcon
65.. Rear Window
75.. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
76.. Indiana Jones* (Specifically, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
80.. The Terminator* (Specifically, The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
85.. Field of Dreams
86.. Whiplash*
113.. The Empire Strikes Back* (and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope)
129.. The Wizard of Oz
153..* Jurassic Park* (Specifically the first movie)
212.. Dead Poets Society
216.. Brief Encounter*
224.. Rebecca*
227..* It's a Wonderful Life
229.. Arrival**
254.. The Sixth Sense*
286.. ET the Extra Terrestrial*
288.. Poltergeist
292.. Singin' in the Rain

These are the movies on your list that I like, but I don't consider them "favorites":
1.. Blade Runner
27.. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
31.. In a Lonely Place
50.. Wings of Desire
58.. Schindler's List
102.. The Time Machine* (Specifically, the original 1960 movie)
110.. The Station Agent*
115.. The Sunset Limited
146.. The Hunt
152.. Her
155.. Nightcrawler*
162.. Casablanca
182.. Million Dollar Baby*
200.. Witness*
205.. The Abyss*
206.. Stand by Me*
208.. Wind River*
259.. Rain Man*
263.. Inception*
270.. Flatliners
274.. The French Connection*
280.. Dancing with Wolves*
299.. Groundhog Day
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

North by North West
Inglorious Bastards
Andrea Rovblev
Butch Cassie and the Sundance kid
The six senses
A Tokyo story
Itchy the killer
Old boy
Aguirre the raff of god
Dancing with wolves
Good by Lennon
This list could really use some proofreading.