Movie You're Watching Tonight


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Fury (2014)

Rewatching because my kids want to hear the battles with the sound system (and subwoofer) on. Good Lord, that inexpensive 1ft x 1ft x 1ft little box from Polk can shake the nails loose in my house, not to mention my fillings.

When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

⬆️ Is the title supposed to be a horrid pun on The Catcher in the Rye.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Kicking off my marathon tonight. This is long-overdue.

Not so much a film, but a two hour interview of Stanley Kubrick from 1987.

Really boring so far, which is something I've never thought I'd say about anything Kubrick related. Right now he's talking about computer screens and its dull as dishwater.

nice one