Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi


Originally Posted by Baldie1999
Well, I would think that Nazis would be bad guys regardless whether there in space or not.
How has no one sigged this?
Yeah I wasnt gonna touch that one after the Pres Trump thread.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

We've discussed this at length earlier in the thread, but people have actually come forward to claim credit for lowering the scores, either with fake votes or just through systematic campaigns to try to do so, so the numbers are increasingly suspect. Anyway, they're clearly being used to suggest a lot more than "not as good as the first films," which most people would agree with whether they liked this one or not.

The relevant point, however, is that it's hard to conceive of someone with rational, level-headed objections to the film, and who feels reasonably secure in those opinions, who simultaneously cares deeply about whether aggregate Internet scores reflect that.
People do that to EVERY SINGLE movie, not just your beloved The Last Jedi.
You talkin' to me?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
EVERY SINGLE movie? Really?I've never noticed it in EVERY SINGLE movie.

People do that to EVERY SINGLE movie
If you mean that there are always some people doing it with any movie, sure...but that's because there are always people having an extreme, irrational reaction to any given film. That doesn't make it typical, or reasonable. Most people don't need their opinions faux validated by meaningless score averages.

not just your beloved The Last Jedi.
Yeah, I don't love the film. And angry nonsensical jabs like this really just reinforce my point re: the response being largely emotional.

If you mean that there are always some people doing it with any movie, sure...but that's because there are always people having an extreme, irrational reaction to a given film. Most people don't need their opinions faux validated by meaningless score averages.

I post the score for the sake of "just saying". The score is not meaningless because all of us DO check it for a reference, but I agree that I don't need the score to validate how I like about a movie.

Yeah, I don't love the film. And angry nonsensical jabs like this really just reinforce my point re: the response being largely emotional.
And I am not angry as you make it out to be.

Sure, any major release will have people who are weirdly fixated on it, or make it their personal mission to contradict others who feel differently. I'm not saying this is unique, just that it's not typical or rational.

The score is not meaningless because all of us DO check it for a reference, but I agree that I don't need the score to validate how I like about a movie.
Cool, we agree. And the inverse is definitely true: the scores being high doesn't prove it's good, neither does the RT critics score, et cetera.

So the question is, given that, why would someone deem it worthwhile to monitor this periodically for months on end, and then relay those updates to people who liked the film? I can't think of any reasonable justification for that.

And I am not angry as you make it out to be.
I don't think I suggested any level of anger: I just said some of the remarks have been angry, and that that anger illustrates my point. I guess defensive is probably a better word for it, since it encompasses the anger and the score thing, and there seems to be this weird vibe of justifying your right to hate the film, which nobody's really attacking.

Dreadful film. "Kylo Ren" is a would-be Snape.

Thank my lucky stars I don't live in the US - the only place anybody gives two hoots about this abhorrent franchise.

Very few blockbuster films make more domestically than internationally. Star Wars is about the closest you get. Box office numbers are also not synonymous with interest. People covet simple entertainment, if you could call it even that.

Star Wars is like American football - very few has any real interest in it outside the States. Well-illustrated by how I never heard any of it until I went there myself.

Correct, very few blockbusters make more domestically, but plenty of them end up in the same 50-60% range that The Last Jedi is in.

And while box office numbers are not exactly synonymous with interest (though, come on, they're obviously a decent guide), neither is "only made a slight majority overseas" synonymous with "nobody gives a hoot."

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
Do you have a reminder set to check that every so often, or are the film's online scores consequential enough that it's just become part of the morning routine, like coffee?
Maybe one of BW's "friends" told him

Correct, very few blockbusters make more domestically, but plenty of them end up in the same 50-60% range that The Last Jedi is in.

And while box office numbers are not exactly synonymous with interest (though, come on, they're obviously a decent guide), neither is "only made a slight majority overseas" synonymous with "nobody gives a hoot."
I'm an early 80s male, i.e. part of the primary target group of the Star Wars films. Except, I'm not American. Which is why I don't care. There's no culture or nostalgia for it. Star Wars is a thing in the US similarly to how Harry Potter and James Bond are things every other place I've lived and travelled. Americans go to see Star Wars films because they're actually interested in it. Extremely few do that anywhere else - which is why I, thankfully, never hear any of it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Then should I assume that science fiction fans outside of the U.S. do not like Star Wars? Or is science fiction strictly a U.S. concept too? I can understand you, anecdotally, not caring. But not being American as the cause for disinterest seems odd.

Just curious, but is it specifically Star Wars? Are there no Doctor Who fans out there? What are your top 10... or even top 3 movie choices?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I can understand you, anecdotally, not caring. But not being American as the cause for disinterest seems odd.
Yeah, pretty much this.

That and I'm just saying there's probably a bit of hyperbole here. But if you don't like it, don't worry, I have no desire to persuade you to.

There's plenty of Star Wars fans here in the UK, not sure what he's talking about. The Force Awakens is the highest grossing film since 1989 in the UK according to wiki -

Last Jedi is fifth. It's as big here as it is in the US, it's just the US is obviously a lot larger.

I'm open to (and curious about) the idea that there's just less cultural resonance for it over there, but I wonder how that would even be measured. I have to imagine it would be a reflection of the individual and their own group of friends more than anything.

I'm open to (and curious about) the idea that there's just less cultural resonance for it over there, but I wonder how that would even be measured. I have to imagine it would be a reflection of the individual and their own group of friends more than anything.
Definitely. As kids the biggest movies for me and my friends were the Star Wars Prequels, LOTR and the Spiderman movies. Nolan's Batman's came when i was a bit older, they were big too but that point we had kinda started to develop as individuals and some were fine saying they didn't care about them.

Harry Potter is no doubt the biggest cultural thing in the UK (the world if you count the books) during the 2000's but it was actually seen as nerdy to like the movies or books among my circles. I read/watched them anyway though coz i was a rebel

Best question is will last Jedi effect Solo at the box office or last Jedi just isn't as good as Solo if it does well. Nothing can make. Black Panther numbers. Bare in mind SOlo and AVengers will have more b.o competition so I don't think can compare it a Feb release with no competition. To a summer film