Same sex marriage & Polygamy


I have been stamped a homophobe or at least a person with homophobe tendencies by one or two of the members here. I do not have a problem with that really because I do understand that I cannot even pretend to understand exatcly how someone different than me (be it race, sexual orientation, gender, etc...) feels. I used to have a problem with it, because I really try to be as open-minded as I can about everything. I guess all I cansay is just be yourselves and try not to put too much stock into one philosophy or another because what may be true for some (choice/genetics/etc...) may not be true for all. Why is it hard to believe that a certain individual can choose and for another to have been born that way or to have been influenced by life's events or whatever? I think all apply and not just to these topics. We are a mixed bag of humans and I have seen many things, to perscribe one single set of rules to anyone or any group is futile.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I should add that I believe that a vast majority of people are indeed bisexual to one degree or another. That is, most people possess the potential to fall in love with people of both sexes. And this is a matter of choice only to the extent that one can choose whether to fall in love or not. It is hard for me to imagine how one might choose to fall in love, and I cannot even begin to imagine how one might choose not to fall in love or to fall out of love. If we could do this rather then simply allow love to take it's messy course, then our lives would be a great deal simpler, wouldn't they? It would save much heartache all around.

Now bisexuality isn't necessarily a cut and dry 50/50 even-Steven sort of deal. Many bisexuals do have a 'preference' of sorts. I have tended to fall in love with more women than men, and I have far more particular tastes in men then I do in women. That is, I find a far more limited array of male body-types desirable than I do female forms. But on the occasions that I have fallen in love with a man, the emotion is just as real, deep, sweet and agonizing as it is when I fall in love with a woman.
“A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished.”
-Mikhail Bakunin

My opinions about polygamy/polyamory/polyfidelity have changed... towards the PRO side of it... for the better.

That is all.

Originally Posted by Lucifer Prometheus
What chain of events and/or line of reasoning brought to to your new position?
More later.

I vote yes!!

I dont know if it was Nation wide but in Illinois they had Calling out Gay Day recently to protest the law on same sex marriages.This is where you are suppose to call out of work if you are gay.Kinda cool idea.A good form of peaceful protest.

Originally Posted by mikeython1
I dont know if it was Nation wide but in Illinois they had Calling out Gay Day recently to protest the law on same sex marriages.This is where you are suppose to call out of work if you are gay.Kinda cool idea.A good form of peaceful protest.
This happened all over. I know of several people who took the day off.

I just wondered how many straight people called in gay....

and secretly meant it.


Above the posts, I see an ad saying "ARE YOU GAY?" in bold pink, with two guys about to kiss on each side of it.


Originally Posted by mikeython1
Or secretly didnt and just tried to get out of work?
I'm more interested in those who did it jokingly, but really meant it.

Originally Posted by mikeython1
I know I was just joking but you know there had to be some a-holes that did.
OMG, but how else could you get a lot of straight people to actually say something like.... "Hello, Ron? It's Danny. I'm calling out today because I am gay........ GAY! Gay, Ron, Gay! I'm Gay. GAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Yes, that kind of gay! You want to introduce me to your brother, Fred? *click*"

We need a call out drunk day. I do not mean a sick day or anything else, you would actually have to be drunk. What does this have to do with call out gay day? Nothing other than if you are gay you could call out gay one day and then drunk the next. Just do not call out gay and drunk at same time, you would waste an extra day off there.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Unless you are closeted and/or need to keep your job, dislike messy law suits and that sort of thing.

The idea is sound. How would the economy be affected if all gay people and the people who love them or are friends with them didn't work or spend any money that day?

It's based on a similar protest of Mexican workers years ago.

I vote yes!!

I dont know if it was Nation wide but in Illinois they had Calling out Gay Day recently to protest the law on same sex marriages.This is where you are suppose to call out of work if you are gay.Kinda cool idea.A good form of peaceful protest.

While the thought is nice and such actions can build needed solidarity within a movement, they are of course nothing like actual effective boycotts. Boycotts work best when they are focused, local, serious and sustained efforts. The Montgomery bus boycott is a great example of a campaign with all of these traits. Occasionally however, even nation-wide efforts such as the CIW's recent campaigns against McDonald's Taco Bell can be effective strategies.

But broad and unfocused one-day events like this are little more than vehicles for publicity and intra-movement camaraderie. This is by no means a bad thing- unless we overemphasize events such as these and confuse them for the real thing.

I was just doing some research for a paper I'm doing on the regulation of same sex relationships in the United States and found out that during all this hullabaloo around Proposition 8 it has gone relatively unnoticed (at least in this thread) that the Supreme court of Connecticut has made a ruling in December which effectively made same sex marriage legal in that state. And unlike California, there's little to no chance that such a decision will be overruled. So yay for Connecticut and Massachusetts, 2 down, 48 to go.