You don't see that anymore.


Confused. There are defibrillators inside a phone box? How does that work?
As I understand it, someone needs it, you go to the box and take it to them and use it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Bank books. When I was a kid every bank account or Certificate of Deposit had a "bank book" that you'd need to update to show accumulated interest or deposits & withdrawals. I think I still have one for an old savings account.
I still use them...

Good call! The top photo looks like a 1960s Mustang?
Actually all cars had them. I preferred them over the modern steering wheel all purpose lever. It was easier to use, as long as they didn't get too rusty... Pretty soon you won't even need a steering wheel!!

I loved those old Brit phone boxes. Still do. Much classier than what we had here in the States. Sometimes a guy would get the number off of a stolen phone credit number, then you could use it until it was cancelled to make long distance calls-- without being traced. There was also a way for awhile to use a paper clip or something to short out the phone to get a dial tone. That way you'd save 10 cents!

Growing up my grandparents near Athens, Ohio still were on a party line. So you could pick up the receiver and listen to your neighbor's conversations. Once in awhile you'd have to announce to them that they'd been on the phone too long, and that you had to make a call.

Their phone was like one you see in 1930s-40s movies. It was fixed on the wall with the mouth piece pointed down. The receiver was on a hook on the right side, which you'd pick up to get a dial tone (or eavesdrop) and to hear. As a kid I used to have to stand on a stool to talk on the phone! And long distance calls were a luxury, reserved only for special occasions. You'd call the operator, give her the name and number, then wait until she called back to say that you'd been connected. Had kind of a charm to it.

I'll never forget when area codes came in around 1960. It was amazing to be able to direct dial long distance without having an operator do it for you! I thought it was remarkable that you had to dial 10 numbers...

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I remember pull tabs on soda and beer cans and I remember when they used to sell one gallon containers of milk in paper cartons with a triangular shaped handle attached to it.

I remember pull tabs on soda and beer cans and I remember when they used to sell one gallon containers of milk in paper cartons with a triangular shaped handle attached to it.

Pull tabs were a great way to get a nasty cut.

As for the milk, how many times did unfolding the funnel result in a rip creating a pouting disaster for one's morning cereal? Or was that just me?

I loved lawn darts. And I was precisely the kind of kid likely to kill himself ninja-ing them around the yard.

As I understand it, someone needs it, you go to the box and take it to them and use it.
They’d be stolen in an instance here. We had power outages this winter while our street was repaired (long story). One guy’s job was to sit in his truck 24/7 to make sure the alternator was neither vandalized nor taken away. (I would imagine the guys worked in shifts.)

Those 900 numbers they used to advertise on late night television.
How come you know about these? A nice Catholic like yourself.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I remember pull tabs on soda and beer cans and I remember when they used to sell one gallon containers of milk in paper cartons with a triangular shaped handle attached to it.
Remember making chains out of the pull tabs?

A system of cells interlinked
Thermal fax machines. Why mail your document when you can send it by phone? It’ll even arrive toasty warm, too!
We still have people wander in trying to get us to fax something. We tell them there is an app they can use on their phone to snap a pic of the doc and fax it, but many times, they can't seem to get their head around the fact that it will indeed send to a fax machine and then print out. They insist we are trying to make them send it to someone else's phone. We even have a big sign on the door that says NO FAX SERVICE, and yet...still they come.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

We still have people wander in trying to get us to fax something. We tell them there is an app they can use on their phone to snap a pic of the doc and fax it, but many times, they can't seem to get their head around the fact that it will indeed send to a fax machine and then print out. They insist we are trying to make them send it to someone else's phone. We even have a big sign on the door that says NO FAX SERVICE, and yet...still they come.

Medical offices in the U.S. still use them, right?

A system of cells interlinked
Medical offices in the U.S. still use them, right?
Indeed, as do some law offices and backwards, stuck in the past govt/ orgs like the RMV. My point was that on the sender side of things, you rarely need an actual fax machine these days.

Medical offices in the U.S. still use them, right?
Doctors & pharmacists still fax back & forth, so far as I know.

My local FedEx has a fax machine so someone must be using it.

You ready? You look ready.
Yes, leave it to doctors and lawyers to use the most insecure method of sending documents. It totally tracks with their education level.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
Yes, leave it to doctors and lawyers to use the most insecure method of sending documents. It totally tracks with their education level.
Well, at least it isn't crucial personal information, such as medical records or people's finances etc.


I've seen them, but I personally have never made one.
In our dorm, we made curtains out of beer pull tabs. Drinking age was 18. When I was 19 1/2, Michigan raised the age to 21. That sucked, so we drove to Windsor...weekly.