Guess Movies From Pictures (keywords, plot, title, ...)


Three Days of the Condor?
Sure is
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I thought you were looking for Mama's actual first name, which is Thelma. I think it's the other two images that are really confusing me.
They're easy and straight forward. What comes to mind when you look at the second photo? and what is the third photo?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Next one, three words in movie title:


The first photo clue is: Mama.
They're easy and straight forward. What comes to mind when you look at the second photo? and what is the third photo?

Is there a movie called Mama's Dirty Girls?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Never heard of that movie, so I wouldn't have gotten that in a million years.
A person wouldn't have to heard of the movie to guess that clues 1 vicki lawrence as mama, 2 dirty pants, 3 girls at beach.