Coming of Age' film


Trying to recall a title of a movie..

A hot/cute scene where a teen girl (probably 13-15) slowly unbuttons her white shirt to show her -you know- to a teenage boy. She does this in a tree top house (wooden playhouse). There is no nudity in the scene (what she shows the boy is off the camera). I am sorry, this is the only scene I remember :-|

This is a American movie, probably in the 90's or early 2000's. I watched this in TV long back while I was flipping channels. Help me find the title of this movie..

Wait and Hope

Sounds kind of like Now and Then.

Is it a boy coming of age movie? lol

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
12 and Holding (2005) ??? maybe

There is a scene kind of like you described except it does not take place in a tree house, however the story does center around a tree house quite a bit from what I can tell.

Full trailer for the film is below.


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