Halloween Is Coming... 20 Movies To Watch Before It Gets Here

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The Exorcist


Ghost story? Almost... this one claims to have The Devil himself...
... as for fright factor, The Exorcist ended up banned in numerous places and cemented both a cult and a mainstream following.
A must see in the lead up to Halloween.

Oooooh, no. Not The Fog. No way in Hell. Not above Nightmare on Elm Street.

The Fog is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen.

I've seen everything so far except for Ju-On, Ringu, and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. With the exception of White Noise, which is a terrible, terrible, terrible movie, I've liked every entry to varying degrees. The Innocents, The Haunting and The Shining are the best films to appear so far, although I'm also fond of Sleepy Hollow and The Sixth Sense. And I agree that Stir of Echoes is very underrated/underseen.

That's what's so great about The Fog... Carpenter's vision is undeniable.
Well, I deny it. Stevie Wonder probably would have had a better vision for that movie. Would have been funny as Hell, too, if the cast was all black people.


I didn't know Carpenter directed The Fog. I've seen the remake, but I'll have to see that one.
I know I bad mouthed Halloween when we did the commentary, but trust me, The Fog is NO Halloween.

I don't think there will ever be another horror movie better than The Exorcist or The Shining.

Sixth Sense and Elm St. are great too.

Scrooged is fun.



As I said... some fantasy involved in this list...
Ghost is the quintessential movie for "Ghost" Fans... action, comedy, romance, cheese...
Ghost is actually an extremely well crafted movie... close to making my own personal Top 100, in fact.
Has everything, great film.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Trick or Treat and Halloween better show up on this list...
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Sadly... this is a Halloween list... not a Halloween List...

Ghosts, Ghouls, Spectres and Spirits only I'm afraid...

I mainly like Ghost for Whoopi Goldberg.

She's very funny in it. Especially when she goes to the bank to collect $4 million dollars.

In THAT case....Ghost Dad will be #1.
Myers is a beast incarnate . A horror movie list without him is like Pizza without sauce.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Two in a row... to keep you guessing what #1 will be...

Do either of these need explaining?


Ghosts... Halloween... Who Ya Gonna Call?


Certainly not gonna call this Dude... 15 minutes of screen time and takes the title for the movie...
Michael Keaton... is a God.
The movie also has everything needed for the perfect Halloween #2