The Best Religious Movies


The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Pale Rider

If you can have that can I have Night Of The Hunter?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Anyone else like Diary of a Country Priest (1950)?

Or The Believer (2001)?

Recently Viewed
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956): A lot of fun.
Barbary Coast (1935): A disappointment, particularly considering the cast/directors/screenwriters involved.
The Human Sexes - Vol. 6 (1997): Good stuff.
The Human Sexes - Vol. 5 (1997): Good stuff.
Stella Dallas (1937): Excellent film. Barbara Stanwyck was terrific.

The best of the five is featured in blue.

Dogma is the best one without a doubt, there should be a Jay and Silent Bob Series on TV because they are so funny!

I quite like Life of Brian and Dogma but i would have to go with Dogma if i had to pick betwen them.
Chop Top - Her! Not me Leatherface you bitch! Look at what you did to my Sonny Bono wig doh..your gonna have to buy me a new plate cover, YOUR GONNA HAVE TO BUY ME A NEW PLATE COVER LEATHERFACE!!! Hehe...Dog will will hunt...WWWAAAAHHHHLLLL!!!!

Originally Posted by Kong: The Sequel
Anyone else like Diary of a Country Priest (1950)? Or The Believer (2001)?

I've never seen either of those so I looked them up... and now, my "to see" list is longer by two... thanks...

Conformist's Avatar
SE7EN!!...... by far!
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time!

Conformist's Avatar
if that is conciderd a religious movie, noooo sorry its more of a religious based movie!

The best religious movie Kong saw in 2004 was probably the Israeli film James' Journey to Jerusalem. Anyone else see this?

The End Has Come
1. Stigmata
2. The Omen (I, II, III)
3. The Ten Commandments

Messenger from Hades' Gate
My favorite was South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut!

What? Stop looking at me like that! It was religious!

Lord, I apologise. . .
Rapture warning is now at ORANGE

What do people think of the Passion, I mean it was a pretty visually gripping movie, and it was straight out of the Bible, but does that make it a good/bad movie?

Anyone else enjoy The Book of Eli? Sure, the violence seems to clash with the overall message but it's a thoughtfully constructed film. The parallels between Denzel & Mila's characters with Jesus and Mary Magdelane are more than apparent.

Why has Bodhi Dharma Left for the East a spiritual reflection on Buddhism.

Samsara, more of a love story but the man struggles to choose between his earthly life and his life in the monastery

The Cup, again set in a Buddhist Monastery but this time a gentle funny film about the young monks wanting to watch the World Cup on TV

What do people think of the Passion...
That Mel Gibson should be banned from movie sets to the rest of his life.

Best religious movie?

ADMIN EDIT: Warning, language in the clip below.

I did like The last temptation of Christ by Scorsese.
I don't believe in God, but if I did, he would be a black, left-handed...saxophonist.

That Mel Gibson should be banned from movie sets to the rest of his life.
Er, what does this even mean? You're saying it wasn't a good movie?

Best religious movie?

Uh, the fact that you don't like religion doesn't really have any bearing on the thread's topic.

I've also removed the YouTube tags around your clip; when embedded, swearing is visible in the title. Also, when embedding OR linking to a clip that contains potentially offensive language, please make note of it beforehand.

Poetry in motion.

Pi (1998)

Maximillian Cohen: Restate my assumptions: One, Mathematics is the language of nature. Two, Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. Three: If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge. Therefore, there are patterns everywhere in nature. Evidence: The cycling of disease epidemics; the wax and wane of caribou populations; sun spot cycles; the rise and fall of the Nile. So, what about the stock market? The universe of numbers that represents the global economy. Millions of hands at work, billions of minds. A vast network, screaming with life. An organism. A natural organism. My hypothesis: Within the stock market, there is a pattern as well... Right in front of me... hiding behind the numbers. Always has been.

Maximillian Cohen: 9:13, Personal note: When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six, I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal. I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly daylight crept in through the bandages, and I could see, but something else had changed inside of me. That day I had my first headache.

You're telling me that the number in
my head is the name of God!?

(Passion building)'s The key into
the messianic age. As the
Romans burned the temple, the
Talmud says, the High Cohen
walked into the flames. He
took his secret to the top of
the burning building. The
heavens opened up and took
the key from the priest's
outstretched hand. We've been
searching for the key ever
since. And you may have found
it. Now let us find out.

That's what happened. I
saw God.

No, no, Max.
You're not pure. You can't
see God unless you're pure.

It's more than God...
it s everything. It's math
and science and nature...
the universe. I saw the
Universe's DNA

You saw nothing.

I saw everything.

There's much more.
We can unlock the door with
the key. It will show God
that we are pure again. He
will return us to The Garden.

Garden? You're not pure.
I'm the one who has the

Who do you think
you are? You are a vessel
from our God. You are
carrying a delivery that
needs to be made to us.

It was given to me. It's
part of me. It's changing me.

It's killing you.
Because you are impure.

It will kill you!

And what will it do to

We're pure. Give
us the number!

The number is nothing.
You know that!

We can use it. We
can wield it.

It's just a number. I'm
sure you've written down
every two hundred sixteen number.
You've translated all of
them. You've intoned them
all. Haven't you? But what's
it gotten you? It's not the
number! It's the meaning.
It's the syntax. It's what's
between the numbers. If you
could understand you would.
But it's not for you! I've
got it. I understand it. I'm
going to see it!
Rabbi...I was chosen.

Er, what does this even mean? You're saying it wasn't a good movie?

Uh, the fact that you don't like religion doesn't really have any bearing on the thread's topic.

I've also removed the YouTube tags around your clip; when embedded, swearing is visible in the title. Also, when embedding OR linking to a clip that contains potentially offensive language, please make note of it beforehand.
European, sorry. Kind of not used to censorship

P.S: Gibson's Passion? Yes, for me it wasn't a good movie.