Asexual characters in movies?


The Doctor in the classic series of Doctor Who was depicted as asexual.
The modern series decided to make him clearly a heterosexual male. Does that mean the new female Doctor will be a lesbian? Lord knows... some things were best left off-screen...

Sherlock Holmes in most films. Not the Robert Downey Jr. films, of course, or Young Sherlock Holmes. While some believe he had a thing for Irene Adler of "A Scandal in Bohemia," Dr. Watson insists in that story he admires her cunning but does not love her. In some the stories he says he does not entirely trust women though he is not unkind to them.

Sherlock Holmes in most films. Not the Robert Downey Jr. films, of course, or Young Sherlock Holmes. While some believe he had a thing for Irene Adler of "A Scandal in Bohemia," Dr. Watson insists in that story he admires her cunning but does not love her. In some the stories he says he does not entirely trust women though he is not unkind to them.
It's his lack of interest full stop isn't it? There are a couple of occasions in the Jeremy Brett series where Watson admires women out loud and Holmes is indifferent. However, this series does have one clear deviation from Holmes' unromantic sensibility, which is very well done.

The Doctor in the classic series of Doctor Who was depicted as asexual.
Jon Pertwee once described the character as asexual but I think more in the sense of being avuncular and protective towards his female assistants.

The William Hartnell story The Aztecs is really the only proper romance – of sorts – before the 1996 TV Movie.

My take on this idea was that the Time Lords' reproductive cycle wasn't necessary any more because of millions of years of having the facility of regeneration. A bit like the Cybermen's emotions occasionally resurfacing even though they're not supposed to have any, and even then not fully understanding them .

Hey, does anybody know of any movies that have characters who are asexual? As in, characters who actively dislike the idea of sexual contact (as in, they are disinterested or outright dread the idea of it-- I'm not talking about celibacy or characters that are morally against it), or who have a crush on/strong feelings for another character but not in a sexual context? If a character out-right states that they're asexual (and doesn't turn out to be a liar later on in the film) that'd be even better.
Could you guys tell me of movies with asexual characters in them?
The only movie I can recall where a character out-right describes loving another character but not in a sexual way is the main character in boring eighties movie "I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing."
Suggesting buddy movies is okay as long as they act like a couple.
Captain Marvel in the self-titled movie behaves like an asexual character.

Children (under the age of 13) are all asexual as well. So any movies with children characters technically classify.

I can think of many Japanese movies where the characters do not display any sexual interest. I guess Japanese fiction tends to be more asexual than western fiction in the sense that characters do not display sexual attraction as easily as in western fiction. That does not mean that they are "asexual", which is the lack of sexual attraction, only that they are more reserved and do not externalize their inner desires.

I'm just thinking, seeing this thread again, that if you're looking for asexuality in popular culture you're most likely to find it in non-human characters. That really needs to change.