Jess Franco obituary


I just confirmed by searching the New York Times web page. The NYT did not print an obituary when Jess Franco died. Some other papers did, but not the Time. I guess the death of someone who was a hairdresser for movie stars was more important. They printed an obit for Paul Naschy, with picture. They printed an obit for Ingrid Pitt (with picture, of course, (a still from The house that dripped blood) so they could show off her generous endowments. Nothing for Franco.
I would like to ask them: when Roger Corman dies, are you going to give him an obit? Well, Franco was the world's Roger Corman, with the difference that Franco directed more movies than Corman, and was a better director.

That's a shame. He's brilliant. I must have watched the Awful Dr Orlac at least 20 times. And I loved his version of Dracula.

I've saw this in Now Playing like 12 times today and every time i've read it as James Franco Obituary.

Not familar with Jess, RIP i'm sure he deserved an obituary.

I just looked up his IMDB page and a picture on google images. Short career...the only film on his resume that I saw was Gotcha, which I thought was kind of a silly movie, but don't really remember him. Anyway, RIP.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Wrong guy. This is the man - Jesús Franco - but he had at least 70 aliases .I've only seen about 15 of the 200 epics he directed, but the earliest had a deep affect in how disturbed I am.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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