your favorite punk record/album


Only opinion regard like or no like someting could change in times
Lol, idk why u askin' it - the answer is obviously yes
I'm just curious because you said the reason you don't consider Post-hardcore is Punk
idk why it on repeat. again , I never implemented that ways. At first the thread intended for punk rock only but then we break the exception wall
- so did other subgenre came as well

What about Grindcore and Powerviolence?
earlier band that labelled grindcore like ENT root from punk subculture , so yeah it still on the umbrella. I'm not like it tho'.

Oh okay, yeah that was a bit confusing then the way you worded it. It sounded like you didn't consider Post-Hardcore Punk at all.

I have to admit that I find straight up Hardcore very limiting and the three chord progression a little boring. Usually if the vocals are interesting and they don't do too much repetative three chord progressions then I can get into a Hardcore band.

Yeah my engrish is pretty zuck, no excuse

I see. Well idk exactly why but probably I have grown tendency for simplicity and raw material (and the rebellious attire) , the early reason I dig them

I mean years ago heard "pop" punk like ramones was like plainly bland , nothing special at all but now somehow I appreciated and likened their monotones sound

I don't put much attention with vocal, but when it started growl the less it appeal for me.

I find all the different types of yelling, growling, shrieking, pig squeeling, etc... Incredibly fascinating. Like Pornogrind where they sound like they're burping screams, or Black Metal where they sound like they're demon possessed, or other forms where they sound like they're puking their guts out. I love it all.

I more kinda mixed, actually. There some band that came with some of those voice styles, never be bothered and bothered by others - which was make me not so fond with some punk and metal subgenre - it's easy generalization ofc, but for now it could save my time for other stuff as well

But from some that I found, if it women - they got more sexy somehow

Lol, probably not the right word, I suppose it make them more cool or something like that, be I like the song or not

I love female vocals. If a band can somehow get at least one female member and get her to do vocals at at least some point, even if it's not every song, I adore that. I don't know what it is, but there is something in a woman's voice that men just don't have. And soft men's vocals are really lame for some reason, but when a woman does it, it's beautiful.

I have some music that I've recently discovered that I think you, resopamenic, and Mr. Minio would appreciate. I don't know if he's still poking his head in here. This stuff isn't really Punk, although it does have some Punk elements, but there is really no where else to post it so I'll just post it here. I hope you like it, but if not that's cool.

Not sure what genre:





And there's more where that came from if you want.