The Avengers


Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
The future looks bright with Whedon at the helm of the cinematic if he can just slip Nathan Fillion in somewhere...
Oxfords not brogues.

I hope they dont screw it up (I dont think they will though )

You definitely gotta watch this marvel in full 3D, it's quite an experience. My favorite scene is Hulk smashing Loki repeatedly. lol So funny. And Scarlett rocks. They all do but she's my favorite so...

Can't wait for the second. And Whedon rules all.
Man, Serenity, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse and a bunch of other movies.
And it's a world he knows, the Super Heroes, he wrote some stuff for the X-Men comics. Like I said, he RULES ALL!!!
•••[[[And the blood has left a stain]]]•••

The best were

This woman is very hot

It was fun but not as good as people claim it to be.Also,this movie wouldn't have worked without Robert Downey Jr. I think he was the key character.

This is the best 3D I have seen in a movie, I thouroughly enjoyed this and looking forward to a sequel, just wondering which direction they will take it, bad guy wise?

Nice movie.The effect were very good and the plot was okay too.

Registered User
I enjoyed this movie but somehow it didnt grab me as extensively as it has with some friends of mine. I guess it's because I wasn't much of a comic buff when I was younger, wasn't really into all the super hero stuff.