Secret Societies, conspiracy theories, ufos...


Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Im in the middle of a big discussion with a friend about all of the above and im curious as to others opinions on the subjects. Are you a skeptic? A believer? Why are you? How do you distinguish fact from lie? What's your favourite conspiracy theory?

My friend informed me of the Bohemian Grove stories - anyone Americans got any info on the subject?

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
I beleve in UFOs.

I also doubt that man went on the moon but im not 100% sure on that one.

The thing about beleving in UFO's is, is although people make fun of the fact that you beleive in "aliens" the funny thing is, is (no offence to religiouse people, im not intending to offend you) but there is more evidence that aliens exist than there is about certain religions and billions of people beleve in certain religions but dismiss all UFO theorys.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I have a open mind on everything, but I do tend to go towards the conspiracy theorys. I do enjoy hearing all things that comes out in the media and the net. Its alays very interesting and you can see the pont's of everyone.

I also believe there is something in the universe, we cannot be the only life form's in the universe as it is so big.

I also believe strongly about ghost's as ive had incounters myself with seeing strange things and very strange things have happened to myself and my wife. I did use to be a sceptic untill I saw things with my own eyes.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
I have a open mind on everything, but I do tend to go towards the conspiracy theorys. I do enjoy hearing all things that comes out in the media and the net. Its alays very interesting and you can see the pont's of everyone.

I also believe there is something in the universe, we cannot be the only life form's in the universe as it is so big.

I also believe strongly about ghost's as ive had incounters myself with seeing strange things and very strange things have happened to myself and my wife. I did use to be a sceptic untill I saw things with my own eyes.
why what did you see if you dont mind me asking?

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
For some reason when i say aloud how i feel about ufos, ghosts etc i feel like im some naive hippy who just feels people energies all the time man.

having said that, i think that ghosts are energy, not mystical energy but physical energy. Like the feeling that you're being watched, then you turn around and someone's there - to me thats using our ability to sense other peoples energy through our normal senses.

On the UFO front i think it's arrogant and naive to think that in the entire universe we are the only ones in it. We've explored like 1% of our own galaxy thoroughly enough to say theres no life in it.

A system of cells interlinked
I am definitely a skeptic. I find all this stuff very interesting, though. I am reading The Illuminatus Trilogy right now, actually.

Still, I think a lot of people tend to put more credence into this stuff because they find it overly interesting, and not because there is any logical reason to believe it. Some people just NEED this stuff to be true, so they believe it is.

Extra-Terrestrial life would be THE biggest discovery ever. I will be first in line to meet them if/when it ever does happen (barring any sort of random disintegration rays being involved). Alas, until there is even a shred of empirical evidence, I shant waste my time on it.

I musn't...


(Yes, I have also been reading Sherlock Holmes as of late, my dear MoFos!)
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Montauk Project time travel experiments is my favourite conspiricy theory.

That and the lizards, which always reminds me of the V television series. That series is long overdue a remake if you ask me.

Do I believe these theories?

certainly not the two above, though I do think there's truth in some of them. Ultimately though, I just don't know.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
why what did you see if you dont mind me asking?
No mate I dont mind sharing some of the expeience's lol.

Well about 5 years ago we (Myself and my wife, who was my GF at the time) was crashing down my nans house as she was away, as I lived there. We'll we were down stairs watching tv and having some food. All of a sudden my dog started acting strange, like looking at the stairs and growling. So I said as you do "Whats the matter boy" he continued to growl and bark but he was scared to go near the stairs themselves. So we both went over to have a look up the stairs and as we put the light on there was a figure of this small woman vey small and dumpy looking. She was there and then she was gone in a flash. My dog didnt make any noise after the avent, and My GF said di you just see that, I was in shock that she saw exactly the same thing as myself. We sat down and chatted about what we had seen and it was scary as hell. A few days later mynan came home and we mentioned to her what had hapened and we explained what we had seen and she sat there quiet. After a few seconds she said that sound's like my anutie who dies her many years befroe we had moved into the house. A small dumpy woman and we explained every detail from what we saw andshe said thats my auntie. Shocked we looked through some pictures and there was an actual pic of the exact person we saw on the stairs.