Is Australia racist?


^^^^^^S_ _ _ Stirrer^^^^^^

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
I don't have any problems in Australia. Yes I'm a Caucasian Australian, but the town in Victoria I grew up in has become a become a very multicultural town. The town celebrates the different cultures with all sorts of festivals etc. There is support for all kinds of religions. There is even a new Mosque for the Muslim community recently built. Its a community made up of Italians, Greeks, Israelis, Africans, oh the list could go on for a long time. My old high school recently had a festival celebrating over 55 nationalities represented at its school now. I no longer live there but my parents do and I visit regularly. I now live in Melbourne the states capital which is also very multicultural.

Yes I've heard people say racist comments in my life time, but for every 1 racist comment I've heard I've heard 100 comments about someone being a freak because of there clothes or goth hair, or someone being homeless. There are people who are just less accepting than others. And usually the kind of racist comment I hear is someone making some stupid stereotype about about a nationality being bad drivers, not out right hatred.

I don't think Australia is a racist country, not from my point of view anyway. I'm not denying that people with racist view points don't exist here, but I think the country as a whole is not racist at all.

I'm proud of our country, I think Australia is a very lucky country and I love the multicultural people and communities. I love Melbourne and its mixed pot of people. It makes it the wonderful place it is. If it wasn't, I would not have the wonderful mix of friends that I have. They are different ages, genders, nationalities, sizes, religions, and sexual orientations and I love them all.

There we go. I've said my peace.