A guy lives with his child's memories


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A guy lives alone in village (Vietnam, Thailand or some Asian country) He had a child one day that child got bitten by a snake and died.
his wife left him or dead by the same snake.
he lives with the pain everyday.
one day another women visit the village they fall in love.....

The man probably a ex US soldier.
He falls in love with the women comes to the village.( maybe for doing a documentary about the village or jungle OR his ex wife.)
The women leaving the jungle.
He doesn't want to leave the jungle because of his child's memories. Some how he changes his mind at the last moment and meet her at the plane.

This movie more than 25 years old(western)

Sorry, I've Googled a bit on and off but sadly I'm getting nothing for this one. Was the loss of his wife and child told via flashbacks or did the film begin in the US and then move on to Asia? I doubt that would help me much but it just might trigger something for someone else. Also what language was this in - English, a foreign language or a mix?