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Hostel (2006)

Hostel can be two things: A sex-addicted gore-fest sliced with guts, boobs, and strain. Or it can be a thrilling horror film that can't live up to what audiences expected. It's pretty much both. So, Hostel can't get it right. Why is this? Well there are multiple reasons actually. I love Jay Hernandez, he is one of my favorite actors, and his performance in this movie was great. But, despite his acting, the other actors ruined the entire movie. Now don't get me wrong, I love horror movies, and this one was sick and twisted, and I liked that - But, it can't pay up to other gory flicks, it can't jump right into the horror. The movie is too slow, and even though it has a nail-biting ending, the movie pretty much sucks. So I won't argue with the fact it's not there, but I have to disagree the movie being... good.

I never got around to seeing Cabin Fever but I heard that you could pass. Well Eli Roth's Hostel is another one you can pass on. It doesn't full-pay to the originality of a decent horror film. Now like I said before, Hostel I do understand. It is there, I can see the entire point of the movie, and I honored that, but the movie wasn't good enough to be called, well... good. So what do you call Hostel? I have to call it the American Pie of horror, which nobody wants to see that.

I really don't get why you call it a "sex-addicted" gore fest. There isn't THAT much sex/nudity in it.

Hostel 2 is better than the first one.

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
Yea, the second one was for sure better. I still liked the first one though, it had some good stuff. I like that a guy was the victim, I'm sick of always watching the same cliche female heroines in horror movies nowadays. And don't listen to people about Cabin Fever! Whether you love it or hate it, it's definitely unique enough to be worth a watch. Just have a good sense of humor about it

I rather enjoyed Hostel. It was a different kind of horror movie. I think maybe if they casted a better lead actor than Jay Hernandez the movie would have been much better. Something about Jay Hernandez, he always seems like he is trying to hard or he does not feel comfortable. His lines, expressions, emotions always seemed forced and don't look natural. One reason I did like Hostel was because of the dude from Iceland Oli "Of course my Horse" That guy was hilarious!

Stallone is my hero!

I don't like Hostel much either but for slightly different reasons. Horror is my favorite genre but this one isn't 'horrific' as much as it's a gratuitous gross out flick. I liked the set up, it held my interest and the film overall was well executed but it just wasn't my cup of tea at the end of the day. It certainly didn't do anything to elevate my opinion of my contemporaries in this human race as some elements of the greed, lust & violence rang all too true.

I wouldn't write it down wholesale as 'bad'. I wouldn't call it 'complex' either. To me it's just ... meh.

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Alright, Hostel was just plain sick. I was so grossed out by the end of it, that I couldn't feel my feet because of what happens to that guys feet. the sad thing is, is that this could really happen to people.