34th Hall of Fame



Lelia's Brothers

Lelia, the only daughter to a Iranian family, struggles to help her parents and her four irresponsible adult brothers, who are down on their luck, from losing their homeandlivelihood. One brother lost his job due to company layoff. Another brother, who is married with several children, works cleaning a restroom in a store front area. Another, who has a bright idea with his roommate, in regards to a scam to fraud money and the youngest, a taxi driver.

Lelia struggles to make ends meet, while caring for her elderly parents. She encourages her brothers to start their own business, which, the idea is planted in their head but never fully comes to bloom.

The patriarch of the family dies and Lelia's father is chosen to oversee the clan. As patriarch,, one of the duties is to grant the family of the groom, a large amount to assist with the cover of the wedding. Lelia struggles with the decision of her father granting 40 gold coins. She feels the family must keep them to keep her family from losing everything. There is a lot of bickering among the brothers, her father and mother, and her over the decision. The outcome, overall, is not a positive one. In the end, things fall apart.

I thought this was a very good film. One I had never heard of before but was nice to experience.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Okay, I have to bring this up since there's only one day left: "juicy business:" Iranian slang or subtitle mistranslation?
Yes, this is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.
Bad translation in the subs I'm guessing. I see stuff like that all the time in English subs on foreign language films.

Thank you! And to Cricket too!

OOF! That was not an easy watch. And some of the themes hit a bit close to home.

Great performances, and an interesting look at modern day Iran, both its culture and the economic problems its going through. An interesting recurring theme is the failure of the patriarchy to provide and protect common people, both at the level of government and family. And it's interesting that a female character has to step up and look out for their family, even though it goes against traditional customs, because the patriarch refuses to do anything for anyone besides themselves.

It's a tough watch though. 160 minutes of setting familial resentment is a bit much for me.

Regardless, it's definitely a .

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Glad to hear that. I'm very interested in watching Leila's Brothers as it will give a window into Iranian life and I doubt I'll ever visit there and even if I did I'd be a tourist and not be privy to the day to day life of someone who lived there.

We've had like 3 or 4 other Iranian films in HoFs, most did really well. I'm not sure I can remember the titles but I remember Raul nominated one, SpelingError did one or maybe two noms and there were others. A Saparation won the 5th HoF.
Yep, I nominated About Elly and I think it did pretty well too.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Leila's Brothers

I'm a pretty big fan of Iranian cinema, even though I really haven't seen a whole lot. This is another pretty good one from Iran, I like how it took the time to develop it's story and it's characters and I thought the film looked real good. It was a tad on the lengthy side but there really weren't too many lulls and it kept me interested the whole time. I wouldn't put it on a level of say a Farhadi movie but it's something that was certainly worth watching.


Trouble with a capitial 'T'

Lelia's Brothers (2022)

I liked this and it should figure well on my ballot. Of course we have a lot of great noms in this HoF. Lelia's Brothers is a film I felt I got a lot out of as it engaged me, made me feel and made me ponder...and a lot of films just don't do that for me.

I appreciated the direct and frank look at a family of 'dumb asses'. As we were watching the movie last night my wife remarked that they were sure a 'bunch of dumb asses'. She did like the movie and I did too of course, but geez I wanted to ring the old man's neck, probably even more than Lelia did! I'd be curious as to how other people reacted to the the family especially, the old man, Leila and Alireza the brother who was against taking of the gold coins.

I was surprised at how honestly this film looked at poverty and the family dynamics that come from being poor. Leila summed it well when she said that the adult children had been taught 'what to think' but needed to have been taught 'how to think'. So damn true.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Leila's Brothers (Saeed Roustaee, 2022)
...On a side note I got to see people doing my job with zero safety measures in the opening scene and that was a trip...
Tell us more about that, do you work in a steel production factory like in the movie? That looked scary and dangerous to me.

Leila's Brothers
I didn't think the father was horrible. It was his money and he has every right to do what he wants with it. If he has to lie to get back what was stolen from him, I do not hold it against him. On the other hand, yes, he's foolish, but I don't always blame people for what they are. Sometimes those are the cards that are dealt, and his sons were dealt those same cards. Leila is not perfect either, although it's very interesting how she's the brains in a land where she can't really show it. The plan to take the coins from the box was a bad one.

Glad you said that. I did find the old man foolish and I found Leila to be the 'hero/brains' of the family but it was wrong for her and her three brothers to steal the coins that belonged to their father. I wonder how many believe what she did with the coins was wrong?

Leila's Brothers
...On top of that, the movie has the guts to present the recipients of Esmail's payment for this reward tallying it and the other wedding gifts like drug dealers would tally cash in a crack den....
That's what went through my head when I seen how the wedding was being used to generate profit for some greedy individuals which in turn seems to be the theme of the movie. What makes it all the more tragic is, the old man is foolish enough to give 40 gold coins as a wedding gift after being named patriarch. Reminds me of the old saying, 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.'

One of my issues with the film, is that you have grown ass adult children, who should be taking care of their elderly parents, instead of the parents taking care of their children.

I understand in this culture, the family unit stays together but come on! grow the hell up and take responsibility for yourself!

The mother was just as irresponsible as the children. Very little respect was given as well.

Tell us more about that, do you work in a steel production factory like in the movie? That looked scary and dangerous to me.
yeah that's specifically a slitter line and tube mill, which is the exact department i work in. basically taking coils of flat rolled steel, cutting it into narrow strips then folding those strips into tubes. the job Alireza is doing in that scene we have a laser guided gun for instead of doing it by hand and even before we had that guys at least had helmets and a chair.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
yeah that's specifically a slitter line and tube mill, which is the exact department i work in. basically taking coils of flat rolled steel, cutting it into narrow strips then folding those strips into tubes. the job Alireza is doing in that scene we have a laser guided gun for instead of doing it by hand and even before we had that guys at least had helmets and a chair.
Wow, I never had thought about the manufacture of steel tubes until I seen the movie last night. Is that dangerous? Cause it looked dangerous to me.

Wow, I never had thought about the manufacture of steel tubes until I seen the movie last night. Is that dangerous? Cause it looked dangerous to me.
i mean yeah every piece of equipment will crush you or rip you to shreds but if you follow all the safe operating procedures you'll generally be ok.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apologies to all. I'll be late with my review of Leila's Brothers. I'm traveling and am just about two-thirds of the way through. But I'm finding it deeply absorbing and I tremble to think how it's going to end.

Also ... I've been able to already catch Rocco and His Brothers, and these two make excellent bookends. Was it a coordinated set of suggestions or serendipity?
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

The movie for week 4 is:

Rocco and his Brothers (1960)
Director: Luchino Visconti

Due date to watch/review: Jan 30th

*Keep an eye on the 1st post, that's were the review links and info are.
Click image for larger version

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Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Looks to be a good pairing with Leila's Brothers. I haven't seen Rocco and his Brothers (1960) but I'm looking forward to it, I generally like mid 20th century Italian films. I have a link for the movie if anyone needs it.