Does anyone reading this know if Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi did any serious acting in anything other than monster or horror movies after they'd appeared in their iconic monster roles?
Does anyone reading this know if Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi did any serious acting in anything other than monster or horror movies after they'd appeared in their iconic monster roles?
Boris Karloff did the voice of The Grinch in the 1966 TV special Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!. He also starred as Jonathan Brewster in the Broadway play "Arsenic and Old Lace" before the movie was made.
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If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.
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Got served some nice cheesecake with a piece of glass in it at one of my favourite restaurants this evening. What is the world coming to? This is straight out of ‘The Leftovers’, or something. Had a dark humour to it.
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Got served some nice cheesecake with a piece of glass in it at one of my favourite restaurants this evening. What is the world coming to? This is straight out of ‘The Leftovers’, or something. Had a dark humour to it.
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Got served some nice cheesecake with a piece of glass in it at one of my favourite restaurants this evening. What is the world coming to? This is straight out of ‘The Leftovers’, or something. Had a dark humour to it.
Several years ago, my friend and I went to a restaurant, and he was served a salad with a little bug in it. When he showed it to the waitress, her reply was, "Do you want me to eat the bug? I'll eat the bug."
I think she was trying to make light of the situation by making a joke, but it was a bad joke.
But at least she replaced the salad with a fresh one, and they gave us our meals for free.
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Several years ago, my friend and I went to a restaurant, and he was served a salad with a little bug in it. When he showed it to the waitress, her reply was, "Do you want me to eat the bug? I'll eat the bug."
I think she was trying to make light of the situation by making a joke, but it was a bad joke.
But at least she replaced the salad with a fresh one, and they gave us our meals for free.
I think she was trying to make light of the situation by making a joke, but it was a bad joke.
But at least she replaced the salad with a fresh one, and they gave us our meals for free.
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Did you get a discount or a freebie?
And did she leave a tip?
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Does anyone reading this know if Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi did any serious acting in anything other than monster or horror movies after they'd appeared in their iconic monster roles?
Also Targets, which I've not seen, but I know is well thought of.
If you want to see him with other horror royalty, check out Curse of the Crimson Altar, where he plays alongside Christopher Lee and Barbara Steel.
5-time MoFo Award winner.
5-time MoFo Award winner.
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Several years ago, my friend and I went to a restaurant, and he was served a salad with a little bug in it. When he showed it to the waitress, her reply was, "Do you want me to eat the bug? I'll eat the bug."
I think she was trying to make light of the situation by making a joke, but it was a bad joke.
But at least she replaced the salad with a fresh one, and they gave us our meals for free.
I think she was trying to make light of the situation by making a joke, but it was a bad joke.
But at least she replaced the salad with a fresh one, and they gave us our meals for free.
This is absolutely wild. The sustainable food industry going on about how we’ll all be eating bugs is one thing, but that’s taking it too far.
Yeah, we thought so too, but she was so upbeat and bubbly when she said it that it made it hard to get mad at her about it.
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We could write a book about all the crazy things that have happened to us in restaurants and stores that just sound so unbelievable that I wouldn't have believed them if I wasn't there.

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the older i get the more confident i am that i definitely have autism. too many coincidences. now excuse me while i go load up Becker for like the 80th time.
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Is it weird watching a Presidential Inauguration on HULU?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.
I haven't been to a movie theater in many years.
Today, people tell me that in order to watch a movie in a theater you have to first reserve your seats in advance via an app on a smartphone. (!)
While I can see advantages to that, I'm wondering what people do who don't have apps and don't have smart phones.
What if you just show up at the theater box office (like we always used to) and just ask for admission to the movie of your choice?
Do they "assign" you a seat there on the spot? Is it possible to still go in and choose your seat once inside?
What if you're a person who bases their seat choice on the audience already there ("Hey, honey, I don't want to sit right in front of that group of screaming teenagers that just got bussed in... let's grab a seat as far from them as possible.")
And has this reserving seats created more jobs for ushers?
I don't remember the last time I saw an usher "ush" at a movie theater... I've only seen the employees at the entrance making sure you have a ticket.
I can imagine a lot more altercations and need for ushers if patrons can reserve their own seats, or when people want to change their reservation because they don't want to sit near that bus load of teenagers.
Today, people tell me that in order to watch a movie in a theater you have to first reserve your seats in advance via an app on a smartphone. (!)
While I can see advantages to that, I'm wondering what people do who don't have apps and don't have smart phones.
What if you just show up at the theater box office (like we always used to) and just ask for admission to the movie of your choice?
Do they "assign" you a seat there on the spot? Is it possible to still go in and choose your seat once inside?
What if you're a person who bases their seat choice on the audience already there ("Hey, honey, I don't want to sit right in front of that group of screaming teenagers that just got bussed in... let's grab a seat as far from them as possible.")
And has this reserving seats created more jobs for ushers?
I don't remember the last time I saw an usher "ush" at a movie theater... I've only seen the employees at the entrance making sure you have a ticket.
I can imagine a lot more altercations and need for ushers if patrons can reserve their own seats, or when people want to change their reservation because they don't want to sit near that bus load of teenagers.
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I haven't been to a movie theater in many years.
Today, people tell me that in order to watch a movie in a theater you have to first reserve your seats in advance via an app on a smartphone. (!)
While I can see advantages to that, I'm wondering what people do who don't have apps and don't have smart phones.
What if you just show up at the theater box office (like we always used to) and just ask for admission to the movie of your choice?
Do they "assign" you a seat there on the spot? Is it possible to still go in and choose your seat once inside?
Today, people tell me that in order to watch a movie in a theater you have to first reserve your seats in advance via an app on a smartphone. (!)
While I can see advantages to that, I'm wondering what people do who don't have apps and don't have smart phones.
What if you just show up at the theater box office (like we always used to) and just ask for admission to the movie of your choice?
Do they "assign" you a seat there on the spot? Is it possible to still go in and choose your seat once inside?
Under a scenario with a mostly full theater and the seat you picked turned out to be a problem, once it is clear that there are no more people coming in you can switch to an empty seat. But If you can't do that, then you must do this -
Last edited by nyctc7; 2 weeks ago at 03:42 PM.
I rarely go to the theater any more. I do not own a smartphone. The ticket person in the box office showed me a seating chart on a screen and asked me to pick a seat. I commented that the place was empty (this was early in the day), she told me to just pick any one. I did so, and when I got inside, I just sat where I wanted (which was pretty much where I had picked anyway, I know where I like to sit).
Under a scenario with a mostly full theater and the seat you picked turned out to be a problem, once it is clear that there are no more people coming in you can switch to an empty seat. But If you can't do that, then you must do this -
Under a scenario with a mostly full theater and the seat you picked turned out to be a problem, once it is clear that there are no more people coming in you can switch to an empty seat. But If you can't do that, then you must do this -
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Thank you. That's very helpful - letting me know what to expect if I ever return to a movie theater. I'm glad you can still walk in without having a reservation.

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I never reserve my seat on the AMC app. I do choose where I'm sitting when I buy a ticket. If you get there early enough or go buy in advance, you can get a seat on the aisle, which makes restroom runs easier.
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