The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown
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Yeah, index coming! Sorry, that was the first casualty of me rushing to finish some things, and as raul mentioned, I wanna do it up nice. Probably not super elaborate, but clean and with some posters and whatnot. Hopefully no later than tomorrow, along with the next two films.

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Cabaret is brilliant. Brilliant enough to make me realize my folly of not appreciating Liza Minnelli in all of the years that led up to me watching it (I blame Arthur). The movie itself it close to perfect, and probably would have made my top 50, if we were allowed to indulge ourselves to no end. It gets evil dancing and it can almost charm you into not seeing what's happening. Possibly Fosse's greatest moment.
I got to admit to not entirely getting the love of Enter the Dragon. It's fine. Bruce Lee is great and the clip posted by Yoda on a previous page gets directly to why he's such a compelling actor. But as a film.....I don't know, man. It's entertaining enough, but maybe I've just been spoiled by way too much Shaw Brothers. Those films understood the poetry of the performers physicality, and the beauty of violence performed with precision. They also were unafraid to get in the gutter and just be shockingly uncouth. Brilliantly improper. Staggeringly unfit for society. Some of the greatest filmmaking the world has probably ever known came from SB. I've alwasy felt that Lee deserved a similar treatment, but none of his films have ever seemed to aspire to the stars like one would have assumed his life and martial art philosphies would have demanded. Oh well, not everything has to cater to me though (dammit!)
I got to admit to not entirely getting the love of Enter the Dragon. It's fine. Bruce Lee is great and the clip posted by Yoda on a previous page gets directly to why he's such a compelling actor. But as a film.....I don't know, man. It's entertaining enough, but maybe I've just been spoiled by way too much Shaw Brothers. Those films understood the poetry of the performers physicality, and the beauty of violence performed with precision. They also were unafraid to get in the gutter and just be shockingly uncouth. Brilliantly improper. Staggeringly unfit for society. Some of the greatest filmmaking the world has probably ever known came from SB. I've alwasy felt that Lee deserved a similar treatment, but none of his films have ever seemed to aspire to the stars like one would have assumed his life and martial art philosphies would have demanded. Oh well, not everything has to cater to me though (dammit!)
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Sense and Sensibility, still thinking about the other one, also waiting for Holden he's good at this guessing game.
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Man's Search for Meaning is Viktor Frankl's famous book so I'll go for most of that title referencing Frederick (son of Victor) Fonk-In-Steen and say Young Frankenstein and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Seems much too low on the list for either, but what the hey?
Seems much too low on the list for either, but what the hey?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
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seventh... seal...
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@Yoda did you ever explain your hints: 'Numbers & Animals' and how they related to Brazil and Suspiria? I don't get the hints? Though I haven't seen Suspiria.

Yes I am very sneaky. Really wanna set the tone for future hints, so if they're bad you had warning, and if they're super literal people will overthink them and assume they're metaphorical. Or vice-versa.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Thanks, was that in Suspiria? (which I can't spell correctly btw!)

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A subpar musical and a subpar kung fu film.
You disappoint me, MoFos.
You disappoint me, MoFos.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.
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I cleverly said the hint was about the "first film you'll see." Which turned out to be the Honorable Mention, and not #100. 
Yes I am very sneaky. Really wanna set the tone for future hints, so if they're bad you had warning, and if they're super literal people will overthink them and assume they're metaphorical. Or vice-versa.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.

Yes I am very sneaky. Really wanna set the tone for future hints, so if they're bad you had warning, and if they're super literal people will overthink them and assume they're metaphorical. Or vice-versa.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.

No it was the honorable mention, have a Snickers CR, your not your sharp self today

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A subpar musical and a subpar kung fu film.
You disappoint me, MoFos.
You disappoint me, MoFos.
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MF: Top Musicals
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If it's not metaphorical it could be Searching for Bobby Fisher and Mr Minio's favorite movie Mean Girls.
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Somebody taking the reigns of Sexy Celebrity in this countdown. I like it!
Now, that's more like it.
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