MoFo Fantasy Football - 2024 Season


Don't worry, you're not even close to the lowest score. We have roughly 50 scores of 60 or lower over the years. The lowest ever is 28.70.

You're not even on pace for the lowest score this year. There was literally a lower one last week.

Don't worry, you're not even close to the lowest score. We have roughly 50 scores of 60 or lower over the years. The lowest ever is 28.70.

You're not even on pace for the lowest score this year. There was literally a lower one last week.
28.70 ?!?!? Oh..ok then lol

Talk about a waste. In my other Yahoo league where I finished first and therefore had a BYE I surpassed 200 points...and that was with Cooper Kupp getting me a 0.0.

My wife is going to win her quarterfinals match, so I will face her next week.

Had a similar fate in my ESPN league. I finished second, so had the BYE, and even before Darnold adds points to my total tonight I have the highest score of the week.

I am dreading the low scores I am due next week, when it counts.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
142 not going to get me to the semis this year. Feeling Yoda’s pain. Will another first round exit keep me from taking Josh second round next year?

142 not going to get me to the semis this year. Feeling Yoda’s pain. Will another first round exit keep me from taking Josh second round next year?
And 90 might get it done on the other side of the bracket.

I'm tellin' ya, it's kind of a dumb game.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
And 90 might get it done on the other side of the bracket.

I'm tellin' ya, it's kind of a dumb game.
I made a couple poor roster decisions this week so 120 should have been what I would have gotten. Which is decently respectable.

Plus we never know how big Jones could be tonight.

Meh. Just lost one of my best players. Bummer. After the way i limped into the playoffs i thought i might be 1 and done. So, we'll see how it goes!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Oh NOW they put the positions at the top of the players page! Very convenient and very late Yahoo. Great googley moogley...

Damn. Just lost my Quarterback... and it looks like i chose wrong yet again in my swing slot. Maybe i'll get lucky and someone puts up a really crooked number. Gonna need it cuz the clowns running backs are too good. I kinda hate fantasy football. I think i mean that.

Damn. Just lost my Quarterback... and it looks like i chose wrong yet again in my swing slot. Maybe i'll get lucky and someone puts up a really crooked number. Gonna need it cuz the clowns running backs are too good. I kinda hate fantasy football. I think i mean that.
That's nuts. Montgomery knocked out in the semis, then Hurts early in the game. Pretty much a free pass to the finals for the Cap.

Damn. Just lost my Quarterback... and it looks like i chose wrong yet again in my swing slot. Maybe i'll get lucky and someone puts up a really crooked number. Gonna need it cuz the clowns running backs are too good. I kinda hate fantasy football. I think i mean that.
Even with Hurts ruled out, I'm feeling pretty nervous. Your defense is essentially your QB this week.

Man thats a messed up way to get knocked out Powdered. The closer you get, the harder it hurts. Sorry bro.

Oh man. Its gonna be a 2022 rematch between Rauld and Spaulding.
Lets hope no games will be canceled this time. Dustin has a chance to be properly Yahoo Bonafied

A system of cells interlinked
Who’s ready for baseball draft? Hope springs eternal
*Raises hand*
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Raises hand.

New business !
1. This may be a good time to consider if we want to try the Auction idea again.

Also would like for us to consider after said Auction, we do dynasty league. That way we only have to do the multi hour auction once, ever, but its importance is tenfold.

3. Or do Dynasty with no Auction?

4. OR just keeps things as-is?

Any thoughts?