

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
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Had to go to youtube, looks interesting. My wife is a huge Beatles fan, so she might want to check this one out.

I think we can all assume how this one ends, yeah?

This might just do nobody any good.
I think we can all assume how this one ends, yeah?
The zombie outbreak from 28 Days Later?

It could be a decent heartwarming type film. I like Danny Boyle's films. Seems like where could you go wrong with a load of Beatles songs, just hope it's not overly sugary sentimental

I'm sure it will be charming, but I'm not a fan of movies with this kind of premise.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It could be a decent heartwarming type film. I like Danny Boyle's films. Seems like where could you go wrong with a load of Beatles songs, just hope it's not overly sugary sentimental
Some would say Across the Universe.

I liked this. It's not groundbreaking, but it's also really well-made, and it has a few ideas and twists and turns beyond the premise that keep things interesting. And with the acting talent involved, and Boyle just being a really great filmmaker, the whole thing feels like the best version of itself.

It'll never be a classic, but it's just a really well-made, mostly adorable little film.

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I liked this. It's not groundbreaking, but it's also really well-made, and it has a few ideas and twists and turns beyond the premise that keep things interesting. And with the acting talent involved, and Boyle just being a really great filmmaker, the whole thing feels like the best version of itself.

It'll never be a classic, but it's just a really well-made, mostly adorable little film.
I agree. It's an enjoyable, good movie.

You know what it kinda reminded me of? Ocean's Eleven. Might sound weird, but I remember thinking, when that came out, that Soderbergh was talented enough that doing a standard genre heist flick was almost beneath him, but that ultimately just meant he made a fantastic one because he was kind of filmmaking on easy mode. I got the same feeling here, with someone of Boyle's talent doing something that sounds pretty standard on paper.

I liked this. It's not groundbreaking, but it's also really well-made, and it has a few ideas and twists and turns beyond the premise that keep things interesting. And with the acting talent involved, and Boyle just being a really great filmmaker, the whole thing feels like the best version of itself.

It'll never be a classic, but it's just a really well-made, mostly adorable little film.
Too lazy to look him up, but the guy from India is so talented.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

A system of cells interlinked
I especially enjoyed the sort of self-own by Ed Sheeran with the songwriting contest. Fun of him to do agree to do that.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I especially enjoyed the sort of self-own by Ed Sheeran with the songwriting contest. Fun of him to do agree to do that.
I had the same thought. But I also thought, after that, that it's a pretty nice counterweight that he's kind of styled as the best around now, or only bested by The Beatles. So he comes out of it looking pretty good all around.