

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
See, the Jason Mamoa show we work on was just shut down. Uh oh.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Insanity! Stopped at Shaws while working for my wife's bread. Newburyport is a tourist town about 35 minutes north of Boston, 8:15am on a workday, off-season. Express line closed and line for other registers went all the way to the side of the store then all the way to the back and around. Well over an hour wait in line. How could you even buy ice cream?

Talked to a guy who owns a small liquor store I deliver to. Business is great, but he's lost over 200K from his retirement funds in the last 3 weeks.

*sigh* Have come down with a cough and a tightening across the chest so am having to 'self-isolate'. At least the wife is working from home these days so I'll have company - 'cos if I have it, it's highly likely she already does too by now. Felt fine until yesterday evening

A system of cells interlinked
Take care of yourself, Chyp!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Yeah, play it safe, Chyp. Hope you feel better soon.

Thank goodness we have the tremendous timesink of the Internet. I got an email from our DNS provider talking about how traffic has gone way up in highly affected areas.

It might end up being a close call between whether the virus kills me or the missus does

Trying to decide whether or not to send in an early Westerns list now

You ready? You look ready.
My work demands have gone through the roof because of corona. So I'm hoping for some unseasonably warm weather. Bring on the global warming, baby!
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

At this point if you don't cancel an upcoming event you need a pretty good reason, because it's sure gonna stick out.

Clearly smart to basically just push this stuff back 2-4 weeks and see where we are. Makes it much more likely we'll be able to get back to normal sooner.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
At this point if you don't cancel an upcoming event you need a pretty good reason, because it's sure gonna stick out.

Clearly smart to basically just push this stuff back 2-4 weeks and see where we are. Makes it much more likely we'll be able to get back to normal sooner.
I hope so soon. It's a depressing situation. The news is populated with this mess.

According to worldometer, there have been 41 deaths in the U.S., so far.

Insanity! Stopped at Shaws while working for my wife's bread. Newburyport is a tourist town about 35 minutes north of Boston, 8:15am on a workday, off-season. Express line closed and line for other registers went all the way to the side of the store then all the way to the back and around. Well over an hour wait in line. How could you even buy ice cream?
I think that's the difference between grocery shopping on the 12th, and grocery shopping on the 11th or before. By the morning of the 12th a pandemic had been officially announced by WHO and Trump banned European flights to U.S. and Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they had the cornonavirus...that all happened on the 11th and ramped up the fear.

I was thinking of going to the grocery store today for a few things, but I'm not wanting to stand in line for an hour or more!

I wish this whole horrible thing will just end as quickly as possible. Usually I wouldn't be so worried but I'm a full time carer to an elderly relative now who has heart problems, so stressed right now that they might get the virus off someone(need other carers, physios, doctors coming in to the house) or even me.

So if one of us gets it she will probably have to go into hospital and for me to self isolate in the house and not be with them for a few weeks...

She use to work as a nurse and keeps telling me to stop worrying and that she will be fine if she catches it...


I know the majority who catch it are fine and have had worse colds and so on but it's still worrying. Hope all are well and this ends.

President just addressed the nation locking down Europe travel... But he oddly excluded the UK?
Pathetic, I know, but his remark made me proud to be British. (Don’t take this remark seriously.)

Isn't the UK in Europe?
Last time I was there, it was.

The virus is frightening to a lot of people because it's new, but it will end soon. The world survived the Black Death, the AIDS virus, and the E. Coli bacteria and it will survive this.
Depends on your definition of “soon.”

UK is most of the Europe Travel because it would include England, Ireland and Scottland.
Don’t forget Wales. Though we do usually forget them.

UK is what the United Kingdom became after England Conquored Ireland and Scottland.
I wonder if they know this in Scotland?

Best argument I heard was that the UK has its own border controls,
Shaky IMO. My nephew returned to England from skiing in Northern Italy. Walked right through Manchester Airport without anyone stopping him. And he then went off for a 2-week trip to London.

It is snowing, which hopefully will keep the crowds away.
Snow? What’s that? Snowed once in CT this year on January 18. Amazing.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Well we decided to go the grocery store after all. It is snowing, which hopefully will keep the crowds away. I'll report back on my journey
I work at a grocery store, worked last night, and the shelves were EMPTY with all seven of our cashier lanes open... it was pretty awful :/

Started coughing last night so my mind immediately thought the worst. I have a Dr appointment on Monday anyway for unrelated issues so unless it gets really bad I will just tell them about it then. So far here in the panhandle of Florida there does not seem to be much panic. Sure Walmart was out of TP and a few other things, but no one was upset or agitated like when things run out during hurricane season.

There was some guy buying up all the Kleenex saying it works just as good as TP. I understand the stockpile thing in case this keeps us all at home for a long period, but I just bought an extra case of bottled water and got a normal amount of TP at a fully stocked dollar General down the road from the house.

My wife works in mortgage as an underwriter at Navy Federal and due to interest rates she has been very busy. There is talk about telework, but they are not equipped for that at the scale needed.

In the long run I expect things to get back to normal but I cant help and try to take advantage of the situation in places I can. Watching stock market to see when best time to buy low will be. Spending time with family I normally would not due to them working. Getting things done around the house because there isn't anything else productive to do. Definitely going to catch up on movies and TV shows I am behind on.

I wish there was a way for me to help other veterans and the homeless but not sure how to do that without it being a big risk all around.

Everyone stay as safe as possible and wash those hands .
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton