Why does everyone "seemingly" hate Diablo Cody?


You wouldn't call it a persona if everybody was a punk rock chick.

She's just a funny, entertaining, punk rock chick.

Her look has nothing to do with my opinions on her. She could dress as a clown for all I care. By overstyled I was speaking about her general personality...well, from what I see in interviews anyway. I don't know her personally.
Now if you let me...you won't regret me...$hit if you let me, you won't forget me.

Disclaimer: I'm not some sort of...diablo cody worshipper, somethings just peeked my interest. thank you for the answers.

How can anybody hate a chick with the name "Diablo"?
I'd marry her just because of the name.

I'd have her shot, just because of her name and I've never read, seen or heard anything she's done. I do have Juno though, which I've yet gotten around to watching.

I find her dialogue to be excruciating; I cringed throughout Juno and when SO had United States of Tara on in the background. Her periodic column in Entertainment Weekly is pretty good though. I don't have high hopes for Jennifer's Body, but maybe she'll tone it down a smidge with the crazy slang.

No, that's not quite what I meant. I haven't personally encountered snobbery towards her on THIS forum, but there is snobbery on the forum, which is what I meant. Sorry to have confused you.
Ah, my bad, I misunderstood.

Re: the last comment about dialogue. In one sense, I disagree; it's unique and interesting. But I wouldn't be surprised if I agreed with you a couple more movies from now. It strikes mas the type of quirky that gets old in a hurry. But we'll see.

Why did I quote the word seemingly?