Who from 24 should stay or go?


AmyLovesYou's Avatar
Registered User
Which 24 characters should be brought back...now that tony almeda is back...what other cast members do you want to see resurrected??

The Adventure Starts Here!
Yeah, what's up with Tony Almeida being back like that?? Geeesh. Are they trying to get everyone from the earliest seasons to come back as a villain?

I find it more than a little of a stretch....

However, I'm watchin' ...

Oh, and let's keep Chloe and Jack.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I liked Tony Almeida and his wife. I am not happy that he is coming back from the dead - evil! I was outraged when he and his wife were killed.

I was also angry with the first President Palmer was killed.

I do like Chloe in a way.

the entire show shud go

AmyLovesYou's Avatar
Registered User
yea it really is weird..how Tony is just back out of nowhere..but I liked Tony so whatever its all good...and I really like Bill and Chloe now more than I used to...they were so annoying before...so many people on the show i cant keep up! lol

Tony has only been out a season, i'm pretty glad he's back, though liked him as he was in episode 1-2, if you've seen them.

wonderwall's Avatar
Registered User
it'd make one intresting twist on events if they brought back Curtis Manning (Roger Cross). he was one of my faves short-term people...maybe with tony back ya never know there may be hope for Curtis!

Wow I forgot bout Curtis on 24! duh! ....Roger Cross was awesome playing Curtis...I did keep seeing on TV this movie he's going to be in:
which is fine but I want him back on 24 too.

Not that i didn't like the character but he was a poor man's Tony and bringing him back from the dead wouldn't really have much impact.