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Again, a martial arts/war movie


Hi guys, how do you do?

I remember watching a movie in 1999, one of the scenes is when a chief of army is told about a very skilled chinese martial artists among the captives, later, they brought him this chinese martial artist, so the aforementioned chief of amry - who was also a great fighter - told him something like: "I've heard that you're a great martial artist, if you can defeat me, I'll set you free", so in the fight the chief of army owned the chinese martial artist captive to the degree that the latter started saying: "pity, pity" or "mercy, mercy" twice, the scene was in a open air battlefield, I think that one of the moves the chief of army used against the chinese is that he caught him, spinning, he thrown him far away, again, the movie I'vewatched it in 1999.

Thanks guys

It is hard question, but I found Chinese movies connected with a war and martial arts:

1. Fong Sai-Yuk (1993)
2. Siu nin Wong Fei Hung chi: Tit ma lau (1993)
3. Wong Fei-Hung (1991)
4. Wong Fei Hung II: Nam yee tung chi keung (1992)
5. Tai gik Cheung Sam Fung (1993)
6. San lung moon hak chan (1992)

Perhaps there are possible solutions.
I'm looking for prison movie:

Registered User
What war was it? If you don't know for sure, when did it take place? Did they have World War 2 uniforms and equipment, or medieval uniforms and equipment, or what? What country was the "chief of army" from. At least let us know if he was European Asian, what?

Hi wositelec you're the best , but sorry, forget to tell that its most likely an american movie.

What war was it? If you don't know for sure, when did it take place? Did they have World War 2 uniforms and equipment, or medieval uniforms and equipment, or what? What country was the "chief of army" from. At least let us know if he was European Asian, what?

Hi KEVP and thank you , sorry for having missed some important details , No idea, but I think its a 90s war in eastern Asia, it can be fictional war, the uniforms are the conventional uniforms, the chief of army is western, most likely American.

Registered User
Okay, so you think now it might have been a "fictional war". That doesn't really happen much at all in American movies. Unless it was a science fiction movie set in the future? Do you think this was an American movie? Or was it, like, Japanese Anime (which often has fictional wars)?
When you say "90s war" do you mean the 1990s or 1890s (or 1790s or 1690s or . . .)?
You are saying that the "chief of army" is American and the prisoner of war was Chinese. If this is the case, it must have been a war where China and the United States are on opposite sides. But there was no war like that in the 1990s. In fact, there was no war in the 1990s where the USA was fighting in East Asia (west Asia, yes, but not East Asia).
Are you sure the prisoner of war was Chinese? Could they have been, for example, Japanese or Korean or Vietnamese? There have been quite a few movies about the USA's wars with the Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese.
I think what you are saying is that it was a 20th century war, probably a late 20th century war?
From what you are saying about the movie, it sounds like it may have been a racist movie.

Hi KEVP, and thank you so much again, you're so right, I would've given earlier all what I can remember not only that scene of fight, ok here we go (that's all what I can remember, and it may be right or wrong):

1. I watched the movie in 1999, I think its a 1990s American movie but not sure.
2. May be it is a sequel or a prequel in a film series, franchise....etc.

2. The main character is western, his companions are also two westerns, a man and a woman, the woman is blonde with pixie or pageboy cut, and the main character's companion is in love with her.

3. The first fight I think it occured in a hotel when the main character jumped with his knee striking the face of an asian man which cornered him against the wall/the door, the scene ended with the main character striking the frowning asian man's head against the wall/the door.
4. One of the scenes is that the main character and his two companions eschewed the bullets (or something like) with a coordinated and same acrobatic movement.
5. The woman dies and while she was dying she confessed her reciprocal love to the main character's companion.
6. The final fighting scene was between the main character and that chief of army, may be the main character fled away, may be he tied all the room (where the fight may have occured) with cords attached to a tank or a jeep to destroy all the setting over this chief of army.

Ok, guys it's all what I can remember, besides the fighting scene I've already mentioned on the first post (the fight between the chinese captive and this chief of army), thanks again, thank you.

Registered User
Okay. So the "chief of army", a Westerner, was the BAD GUY. Early in the movie, this bad guy beats up a Chinese prisoner of war (who was probably therefore one of the good guys) (and are we sure he was CHINESE, and not some other East Asian like Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese . . .). Then later a GOOD GUY, a westerner, beats up this bad guy. The bad guy is probably a racist, but that's okay because he is bad and gets beaten up at the end.
I have a lot more questions. This doesn't sound like a "war film" if it had a hotel in it. It sounds like this may have been set in an East Asian country, all the main characters are Westerners but the minor characters are East Asians.
I think you are saying that the clothing, technology, and so on was all 1990s level. So it wasn't set before the late 20th century, and wasn't set in a science fiction future.
You saw this in the 1990s, where did you see this? Was it on American TV? Cable, network, what? In a cinema (and if so, what country were you in?)
What language did the characters speak?
I am thinking this was live action (NOT animation) but you haven't specifically said so.

Thank you wositelec, you are amazing, it is "No Retreat, No Surrender 2", thanks so much

Thank you KEVP for helping me throught this thread until I found this movie .
Thank you ChunkyMonkey for your efforts to help me .

Thanks for you all guys