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True Detective 2: Electric BoogaTrue


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Caught the second episode yesterday and all I have to say is this:

Thanks, True Detective. All I really wanted was another boring crime procedural.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Just turned off the second episode half way through. I'll get to it eventually but honestly I found it painful. Slow talking, silence, slow talking, silence. No flow, no chemistry, nothing to like. Terrible direction and muddled storytelling that makes it more than a chore to keep up with everything, and the dialogue is still awful, the Vince Vaughn opening monologue felt like I was being tortured.


Ok I think too many shows are taking cues now from Game Of Thrones where nobody isnt expendable. Oddly, I liked it better than the first episode. Yes there were too many story arcs, but if end result is to thin it down to just one it could be genius.

Not as good as first season, and not gonna be. Its ok.

Yeah, second episode was just meh. Which is a real shame, considering the first one was really good.
Not convinced by Vince Vaughn either.

I think that after this season, they should lose the TD name. Each season will be measured vs. the first and subsequently a failure.

I'm gonna be upset however the Velcoro situation pans out.

After the second season of TB, that's not saying much.

This is one of the least entertaining shows I can remember on HBO. I will grudge watch this, mainly because of a lack of anything else.

The opening dream/hell sequence was awesomely hilarious. The rest was ok. My guess is the killer is a woman, but "who?" is not worth thinking about as killer in first season wasnt someone the audience could guess. Doubt Ill watch season 3.

Just turned off the second episode half way through. I'll get to it eventually but honestly I found it painful. Slow talking, silence, slow talking, silence. No flow, no chemistry, nothing to like. Terrible direction and muddled storytelling that makes it more than a chore to keep up with everything, and the dialogue is still awful, the Vince Vaughn opening monologue felt like I was being tortured.
Me too. Mind started wandering, then lost the thread and can't be arsed to watch again.

That was so disappointing. Couldn't care less about any of the characters honestly. I think Vince Vaughn is actually terrible. I don't even know what to expect from the next episodes.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I liked this episode more than the last, but it still isn't very good. I think Colin Farrell's character is the only interesting one of the bunch, and I could definitely stand to see more of Fred Ward as his dad. The neo-noir tone isn't really working for me and Vince Vaughn's storyline is just so dull.

I'll keep watching, because it keeps throwing out these moments of the quality I want, but it needs to really lift it's game up.

I enjoyed the ending of episode two and the beginning of episode three (the dream sequence, which seemed so obviously a homage to Lynch and Twin Peaks). On the plus side episode three seemed better directed and more coherent, it was just so dull. Almost every scene, especially the ones with Vaughn seem so overlong and self serious. I'll retract what I said about Farrell before, he's doing a good job and acting the part well. Frank could have been interesting but Vaughn is terrible and Taylor Kitsch's character is terribly uninteresting and poorly acted. If you got rid of him, focused on just Farrell and McAdams, and had a great actor playing Vaughn's role, it could be decent.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Warning! SPOILERS (sort of) BELOW

I wanted to like this so much. This season is really bugging me. The creepy Leonard Cohen opening, cool -- that's a good setup. But for what? Many minutes of Colin F looking worried (yes we get it, he's worried). We suspect there's some kind of sick killer out there, but the only real torture here is watching Vince Vaughn try to act. And there's no shortage of that. Everyone's so moody and troubled...well...ok......the only character I could empathize with so far is the shotgun-wielding birds-head guy. Because he did what we all wanted to do after watching Colin brood through the first 2 episodes. And Mary and Joseph, the rubber ammo save --- did they really just do that?

The only real fun I get out of the show is picking out the Deadwood alumni. And even they aren't being used to their full potential. I'm not looking for shocking scenes, just a good story. Whoever wrote this script should watch the pilot of Deadwood for a tutorial on how to build a story. Moody alone doesn't cut it.

Ok, vented, that felt good.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Ah, having problems with this show now… I keep trying to like it, but it just isn't compelling. I cannot stand the Rachel MacAdams character. Her hair even bugs me, lol.

I actually think Colin can act and at this point, he's the ONLY reason I'll watch the next episode. I just wish something would happen that would make me invested.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
The newest episode just continues the mediocrity, in my opinion. They're doing potentially interesting things with each character, but none of the actors are equipped well enough to do anything with them. Save for Colin Farrell, who is still the best thing about this season. The thing that pisses me off the most is that each episode has these great moments, but they're just lost in the clumsy noir-ish tone that they just can't pull off.

One other thing I've noticed across every episode so far is that the actors mumble. A lot. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's really weird.

Yeah, the fourth one was very disappointing. Until the last ten minutes all we got was dull pointless conversations.

WARNING: "Episode 4" spoilers below
The end of the episode was underwhelming too, not particularly well shot like the one in the first season, and the way that only three of them were left and everyone else died was kind of silly.

Ah, having problems with this show now… I keep trying to like it, but it just isn't compelling. I cannot stand the Rachel MacAdams character. Her hair even bugs me, lol.
It's funny you say that. When she is on-screen, that hair is the only thing I see.