It's kind of weird that I haven't done this show yet, but I definitely needed something on the lighter side after the blood and insanity of Dexter. Recently I saw a couple of You Tube videos and and a very sad documentary called The Curse of Glee which focused on the tragedy that seemed to follow the show and realized that there is a lot of stuff I missed during the show's primetime run and other stuff that I will be looking at from a very fresh set of eyes having learned so much about the cast and the show since its cancellation, so like it or not, I will be beginning my episode by episode deep dive into Glee.
Gideon does GLEE
It's kind of weird that I haven't done this show yet, but I definitely needed something on the lighter side after the blood and insanity of Dexter. Recently I saw a couple of You Tube videos and and a very sad documentary called The Curse of Glee which focused on the tragedy that seemed to follow the show and realized that there is a lot of stuff I missed during the show's primetime run and other stuff that I will be looking at from a very fresh set of eyes having learned so much about the cast and the show since its cancellation, so like it or not, I will be beginning my episode by episode deep dive into Glee.
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Season One, Ep 1 "You think this is hard, try being waterboarded that's hard." How nice of the jocks to let Kurt remove his Marc Jacobs before tossing him in the dumpster. Stephen Tobolowsky is so funny as the original head of the glee club. "You resentment is delicious." I missed before that Emma Pillsbury was a germaphobe. That Amber Riley has one helluva set of pipes. Was Chris Colfer being seriously sharp at the end of "Mr. Cellophane" on purpose? Loved Rachel being slushied right after bragging about being a star. Quinn's response to Rachel's video was funny. Having Artie do "Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat” seemed odd. Rachel thinks glee club is going to make people stop hating her? "I can't keep wasting my time with glee." They never really explain why Schuester is so obsessed with glee club. "Medical's genius!" "You are the one coaching those tone deaf acne factories." A football player got an eyebrow shaved because he watches Grey's Anatomy? Loved that version of "A Fifth of Beethoven" playing in the background? Wait a minute...Schuster blackmailed Finn into joining glee club? Liked Finn and Rachel doing "You're the One That I Want", but Mercedes is right, she is no background singer. Terri Schuester us nuts. Loved that arrangement of the Austin Powers theme. Ken got his revenge on Emma, didn't he? Could Rachel be more full of herself? Quinn is the president of the celibacy club? Seriously? Half of the dancers onstage as Vocal Adrenaline weren't even moving their lips on "Rehab." "Chicks don't have prostates...I looked it up." Why do I have a feeling that Terri isn't really pregnant? He's leaving glee because Terri is pregnant? Emma drawing a heart around Will's face while he was singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" was kind of corny. I cannot believe they are going to do this to Artie. I didn't remember Puck starting off on this show being such a jerk. "Are you quitting to join Homo Explosion?" The chemistry between Will and Emma is a little sugary for my tastes. I can see why "Don't Stop Believin" became the show's anthem for the first season.
Last edited by Gideon58; 08-26-24 at 09:26 PM.
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Season One, Ep 2. Finn doesn't know what the word chivalrous means? Loved when Kurt told the jocks that one day they will all work for him. "I don't know if there's anyone who's going to want to swim over to your misfit toys." "I know you're used to being the cock of the walk around here." Can't believe they let Rachel be slushed after her speech to Quinn. Dianna Aragon (Quinn) is so beautiful. "Le Freak" really is terrible. I liked the actress who played Terri's sister. "We absolutely can't afford the grand foyer and the sun nook." Will's narration about keeping Terri happy just doesn't match his actions. Matthew Morrison doing Kanye? I don't think so. Loved Emma in the car crying to Eric Carmen. "Gay parents encourage rebellion, there's studies on this." Jane Lynch is SO funny as Sue Sylvester. Two episodes in and I'm already hating Terri Schuester. m Are we supposed to believe that all of the female members of the celibacy club are Cheerios? "Are you kidding, those skirts are crunchy toast!" "If the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry." I see where they're going with Will and Emma, but I think they are so boring together, their scenes are akin to watching paint dry. Okay, I can't lie that performance of "Push It" had me on the floor. "My first thought was that your students be put into foster care." I loved Ken presenting his case to Emma. Really loving Corey Monteith's "Aw shucks" quality. He could have been really something if he had lived. "I don't want my baby to grow an extra arm because I lived in squalor and had extra stress." The Cheerios take on "Say a Little Prayer" was great. I love Sue comparing herself to Quinn. I have a feeling Terri is not going to take not being pregnant at face value. Not the least bit surprised Terri lied to Will. Rachel looked genuinely offended when Will said she wasn't always going to be the star. Lea Michele's finals solo was spectacular
Last edited by Gideon58; 08-27-24 at 08:18 PM.
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Season One, Ep 3. Victor Garber and Debra Monk playing Will's parents, didn't remember that. Why is Rachel so intimidated by Quinn and Santana? Sandy really shouldn't be allowed on the campus at all, which I think would be what would happen IRL. That scene of the male faculty members eating cake and singing "For he's a jolly good fellow" in 4 part harmony was pointless. Just saw John Lloyd Young's name in the credits...he played Frank Valli in the stage and film versions of Jersey Boys. "Do you see anyone else in here with a plate of I'm sorry cookies?" How does hiring this Dakota guy make Will a hero? If Rachel is trying to push Finn away, she's doing a great job. "I want my full budget restored....I need a fog machine." Love that pirate jacket Kurt was wearing in that scene with Mercedes. Young is playing one of the Acafellas. Their take on "Poison" was kind of fun, even though Ken looked like he was dubbed. "And if he were here right now, I'd club you to death with his critic's choice award." Are we supposed to believe that Sandy is BFF's with Josh Groban? The choreography for Vocal Adrenaline's number was spectacular but in a realistic context, there's no way they could provide those vocals and dance like that at the same time. So this is the only episode John Lloyd Young appears in. Every time we get a scene with Will and Emma, I get a little sleepy. There's more chemistry between Will and Finn. Didn't realize Puck started out in Acafellas. I really have a hard time swallowing Mercedes thinking Kurt is straight. I can understand her knowing he's gay, but would rather hang with him than be alone. She realizes he's not gay. That scene with Sue and Emma was hysterical. They made us wait three episodes for Aber Riley's first solo but it was worth the wait. The casting of Dakota the choreographer is quite questionable. "Why don't you get some lotion for those knuckles you're dragging on the ground?" "My point is, you're fired...and I'm taller than you." "I Wanna Sex You Up" was the first musical moment for Matthew Morrison that has actually worked. How does Terri know about Emma? That look she gave Emma during the concert implies that. Josh Groban referred to himself as a "pop star"? Does Kurt think no one knows he's gay just because he hasn't told anyone? "That's the smell of failure...and it's stinking up my office."
Last edited by Gideon58; 10-02-24 at 01:27 AM.
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Season One, Ep 4. Kurt doing Beyonce was great but Chris Colfer should have been doing his own singing. Loved Mike O'Malley's first appearance as Kurt's dad. . OK, this episode just stopped in the middle of tape saying it was unavailable and as i checked other websites, I learned that, for some reason, this episode is unavailable in its entirety, so I will be moving on to:
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Season One, Ep 5. OK, thank God, this ep had a recap that revealed that Quinn is pregnant and that Terri has decided to continue to fake her pregnancy. Rachel went somewhere during ep 4 but it wasn't mentioned in the recap. Finn thinks he's the father of Quinn's baby, but for some reason, I recall Puck being the father. How can being in glee club get a student a college scholarship? "Do the right thing, all the great actresses take their clothes off." Why is Finn coming on so strong with Rachel now, just to get her back in glee club? Kristen Chenoweth as April Rhodes...awesome! Loved the reveal that April isn't the person she was pretending to be. Will's pretending to want to help April, but he's coming off very self-serving from this viewpoint. The Kristen/Lea mashup on "Maybe This Time" was incredible. Did April have sex with Puck? OK, the Cabaret scene that Finn and Rachel were rehearsing was in the movie, not in the play. Everyone calling April old got tired very quickly. Chris Colfer's drunk moment with Emma was funny as hell. Emma made a valid point with Will regarding his "helping" April. Loved April and Rachel in the ladies' room. Morrison and Chenoweth nailed "Alone", they should have done the whole number. Is Finn using Rachel's attraction to him to get her back into glee? He romanced Rachel for a scholarship? On the other hand, I still don't think Finn is the father of Quinn's baby. Loved those cowboy costumes with the black shirts. Was this Harry Shum Jr's first appearance? Rachel explaining what an understudy is? Seriously? The Queen finale was solid.
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Season 1, Ep 6. I had a feeling Puck was the father of Quinn's baby. "You've got a little mustard in your cute Kirk Douglas chin dimple." "Every week I pick someone at random...I kick 'em out." Kurt looked offended to be in the boys' group. Loved Sue noticing Quinn's quivering knee. Those Cheerios formations could easily make Quinn lose that baby that Terri wants so badly. Sue totally worked Terri regarding Will and Emma. Wow, Sue knew exactly what to tell Terri. Finn's monologue sounded a lot like what Corey was going through when he realized fame wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I love the way all the girls have learned to look through Rachel. Terri wouldn't try anything with Finn, would she? Yuk. Those pills are going to get Finn in serious trouble. "Let's do the number and then let's build a house for Habitat for Humanity." I just LOVE Harry Shum Jr. Quinn and Rachel reminded me of Rizzo and Patty Simcox in Grease. "I'm not built for working five days a week.".
I feel kind of bad for Ken, he seems genuinely in love with Emma. How long can Terri get away with giving over the counter meds to students? Yeah, Terri's a bit cray cray. Ken's marriage proposal to Emma was so sweet. I liked the boys better. I kind of wanted to slap Emma when she asked Will if he knew of any reason why She shouldn't accept Ken's proposal. Jessalyn Gilsig nailed that scene with Jayma Mays. How do Terri and Quinn plan to pull this off? Terri's got a lot of nerve, she should be paying Quinn whatever she wants. Loved Emma's terms for marrying Ken. Damn, Howard got arrested for what Terri did. "Every time I start a fire in my life, you find a way to burn down the forest." You just knew Sue was going to be co-leader of the glee club..
I feel kind of bad for Ken, he seems genuinely in love with Emma. How long can Terri get away with giving over the counter meds to students? Yeah, Terri's a bit cray cray. Ken's marriage proposal to Emma was so sweet. I liked the boys better. I kind of wanted to slap Emma when she asked Will if he knew of any reason why She shouldn't accept Ken's proposal. Jessalyn Gilsig nailed that scene with Jayma Mays. How do Terri and Quinn plan to pull this off? Terri's got a lot of nerve, she should be paying Quinn whatever she wants. Loved Emma's terms for marrying Ken. Damn, Howard got arrested for what Terri did. "Every time I start a fire in my life, you find a way to burn down the forest." You just knew Sue was going to be co-leader of the glee club..
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Season One, Ep 7 That opening scene with Sue and Will was kind of stupid. Look at us, we're even fighting in our voiceovers." What did Rachel mean by ":Crunk Rock". I was surprised that the doctor told Quinn the sex of the baby without asking her if she wanted to know. "How am I supposed to take care of a real person, my mom won't let me have fish." Terri's sister kills me. This guy actually asked for a pair of Rachel's panties? What a pervert. Amber nailed that "Hater" number. "Oh hey Buddy, I thought I smelled failure." Figgins is probably the worst TV school principal. "Drizzle" is a stupid baby name. I liked "No Air." Quinn's "You Keep Me Hangin' On" featured great choreography and editing. Terri is right...Will cares more about the kids than his marriage. He sure wants that baby that doesn't exist though. What s Sue up to stepping down? Can't believe Sue called out Quinn in front of the glee club? What a bitch. Can't believe Sue thinks Quinn would come to her about being pregnant.
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Season One, Ep 8. I guess this episode marked the first appearance of Carofsky. He was pretty harsh with Finn and Quinn. Emma's not telling her own mother that she's getting married? Seriously? Ken and Emma arguing over the song for their first dance is kind of stupid. Quinn is so oblivious that she thinks she and Finn are a couple because she's pregnant. When are TPTB going to inform Matthew Morrison that he's not black? Will Schuester break dancing? Really? What's the deal with that black guy in the glee club who never has any lines or vocal solos? Puck should have done "Bust a Move." Why would Quinn and Finn go to Emma on advice on how to be cool? That was a lame Emma showing up wearing her wedding dress to rehearse the dance. "The Thong Song" was just embarrassing. This whole glee club is gay thing just feels terribly dated to me. Was that Gina Hecht playing Puck's mother? "Rachel was a hot Jew and the good lord wanted me to get into her pants." I'm having a hard time buying Puck's sudden obsession with Rachel. OK, they have Matthew Morrison rapping and Mark Salling doing Neil Diamond? Salling's take on "Sweet Caroline" was surprisingly bland. Are we supposed to believe that Finn didn't realize he and Quinn were about to be slushied? "I, for one, think there is no place for intimacy in marriage." Will and Sue dancing to Benny Goodman, what was that all about? It was nice to see Will admit that he might be leading Emma on. Didn't see Puck getting slushied coming. "Damn, I feel such like a bad Jew." All the guys except Fimn showed up for Glee? Seriously? Kurt and the slushee seemed to be the beginning of Kurt's crush on Finn. It was nice to see Sue brought down a peg. She looked great in that zoot suit though. "I'm kind of a jerk and I can't even hold onto a chick like you? No offense." That scene with Finn and Ken was al little convenient.
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Season One, Ep 9. Love Charlotte Ross, who's playing Quinn's mother. Don't get what makes Sue qualified to be a judge at Sectionals. How dare Quinn treat Finn like that when he's not even the father? Liked Sue taking Jacob's tape recorder. There's no way to get Artie on a regular bus? Loved Kurt's excitement about "Defying Gravity." Kevin McHale's voice is so underrated. "You're irritating most of the time but don't take that personally." I didn't realize that Puck knows Qunn's baby is his. "At least you don't have to worry about me getting someone pregnant." I really don't like the way Kurt sometimes talks over his father's head and then gets upset when Burt doesn't understand. Why do I have a feeling that Kurt is going to nail this song but it's still going to Rachel? "Six months ago I could sold 50 of these out of fear alone." I think I have to agree with Puck. Finn isn't putting a lot of effort into supporting this baby, even if it isn't his. Can't believe what Artie said to Tina. Chris Colfer's voice is the eighth wonder of the world. Mike O'Malley was so good in that scene with Kurt after the phone call. Sue auditioned for Baywatch? Hate what they did to Kurt during the "Diva Off". Cannot believe Will can't see what's going on with Sue and Becky? Love this side of Sue. Am I the only one who never really noticed that Tina has a stutter? Definitely understand Artie's anger with Tina? Kurt messed up the note on purpose? don't understand why he would do that. That final scene with Kurt and his dad was lovely. Liked "Rollin on the River"...didn't see this the first time I watched the show. Amber should have been singing the lead on it though.
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Season One, Ep 10. Loved Kurt's expression when he found out Fimnn picked his name. "I love the dqys that I don't wear underwear...full commando." Loved Will running from Rachel during "Endless Love." Rachel was right...Matthew Morrison does have pretty eyes. OK< are we supposed to believe that Rachel is now in love with Will after singing one song with him? Quinn's mom still doesn't know she's pregnant? Gregg Henry is playing Quinn's dad? I love him. What is it with Rachel? Does she really think giving Will gifts is appropriate? Sarah Drew was appropriately creepy as Suzy Pepper. Kurt really can't see how awkward singing to him might be for Finn? "I'll Stand by You" was a perfect vocal fit for Corey Monteith. Finn's mom took the news of Quinn's pregnanc better than I thought she would. I hate that Kurt is actually trying to "turn" Finn. Kurt thinks he's helping Finn but he is heading toward some serious heartbreak. That "Young Girl"/"Don't Stand" mashup didn't really work for me. I didn't realize Suzy was still a student at the school. Is Finn so thick he doesn't see Kurt has a crush on him? Not surprised Terri found a way to make Rachel's crush work to her advantage. Emma and Rachel looked ridiculous next t each other panting like that. Will actually has no business getting angry with Terri; he's done close to nothing to discourage Rachel. She looked crushed when Will turned off her CD. Can't believe Puck told Mercedes. I do not believe Finn actually sang "Having My Baby" to Quinn with her parents sitting right there. At leas her dad figured it out. Gregg Henry nailed that monologue about Quinn as a baby. Her mopm knew and pretended not to? What a bitch. Her parents just walked away from her. I love that Rachel doesn't even consider Terri an issue. Does she think Terri's just going to step aside? Kurt has to know thqat singing that song to Finn is all kinds of wrong. The bridge on "Lean On Me" sounded like a hundred voices.
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Season ONe, Ep 11. Didn't notice until this episode began but Sue didn't appear in the previous episode at all. Jane Addams is a female detention center? A detention center with a glee club? Seriously? This Jand Addams group is another one that really isn't singing. Will thinks wigs is going to give his club an edge? I think Quinn doesn't want to give the baby to Terri and her nitsy sister. Now she's re-thinking Puck? Why does Quinn want to make over Rachel? Don't they all wear the same costumes for competitions? Can't wait for Terri to get busted. DIdn't realize Kurt hated Rachel so much. "What did Sandy have to do to hook Danny Zuko? She had to ditch the poodle skirt and slip on the cat suit." A deaf glee club? That's weird. Wait a minute, they're just now thinking of paying Quinn, I thought that's how they convinced her in the first place. Lea wore that cat suit. Loved Finn calling Rachel a sad clown hooker. Quinn singing "Papa Dn't Preach" to those kids was kind if creepy. "Crazy in Love and "Hair" was another really weird mashup. I did like "Imagine" though. Finn will never be the same when he learns the truth about the baby. Jenna Ushkovitz has such a pretty voice she should have moe solos.
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Season One, Ep 12. Loved Ken talking about the VFW Lodge like it was The Plaza Hotel. "Strangle it didn't make me feel more American." Rachel; and the Black Student Union...OMG. "I might not be head cheerleader anymore, but I still am on the inside." Is Will really so thick that he doesn't understand why the kids don't want to be in the yearbook? How arrogant of Will to think Ken scheduled his wedding the same day as the sectionals. Rachel and Brittany...that was funny. Loved Johnn Ross Bowie as the photographer. Really liked the "Jump" number on the matresses. Matthew Morrison and Jessalyn Gilsig played the hell ouit of that scene where Will finally learned what Terri was doing. Quinn really got to Sue, we don't see too many people do that. Will is such an idiot coming to Emma about advice on his marriage, does he really think he's going to get objective advice from her?
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Season One, Ep 13. Amber Riley's take on And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going has been the musical highlight of this show thus far even if they did edit the song, they should have let her do the whole thing. Why does Emma keep lying to Will about everything going on with Ken. Who does Rachel think she is telling Finn the truth about the baby? Finn's reaction was a lot stronger than I thought it was going to be. I do remember Lea's take on "Don't Rain On my Parade" and thinking, well maybe we can finally get a Broadway revival of Funny Girl. Wow, Ken left Emma at the altar? Did not see that coming. I don't know what Will expected from Emma informing her that he had left Terri? Nice to finally see Sue suffer some consequences for her actions.
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Season One, Ep 14. It's time to get rid of that creepy Jacob who's stalking Rachel. I can't believe these kids think everything that they go through at school was going to change because they won Sectionals. Finn and Puck are both on the basketball team too? Is that a thing, students playing more than one sport? The same coach coaching different sports? That's a thing too? If it ever came to light, Sue drugging Figgis would send her to jail. But you know she won't get caught because her presence keeps the conflict going that the show really needs. "Right now you've got enough product in your hair to season a wok." Jane Lynch was fantastic in that scene with Brittany and Santana. "I think I'm dating Rachel, at least she sure thinks I am." Corey Monteith is no Jim Morrison. I loved Brittany and Santana walking up to Finn to ask him for a date while holding hands. The ego on Rachel is off the charts. The first appearance of Jonathan Groff...loved him in Hamilton. His duet with Rachel was surprisingly good. I thought vocal powerhouses like Lea and Jonathan would try to out sing each other but they don't. I lost it when Brittany said there was a mouse in her food. This whole thing with Finn, Brittany, and Santana is making Finn look like a moron. Emma is a virgin, I'm shocked. Terri liked Jerry Bruckheimer movies, yeah OK. "I am engorged with venom and triumph." Vocal Adrenaline nailed "Highway to Hell." One minute he's confessing his love to Emma and the next he's climbing all over Idina Menzel. There is some chemistry between Matthew and Menzel. I have to admit I understand the club's concern about Rachel and Jesse. The Old Maids Club...that is classic Sue, but why would these girls agree to such a club? Loved the Emma/Terri encounter. "Don't bother sleeping with my husband tonight, you're already screwed." Still not clear about Jessie's intentions. OK, it's clear now.
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Season One, Ep 15. It's the Madonna episode. Looking forward to re-watching this one. It seems kind of weird that Sue would be pegged as the character on this show who worships the ground that Madonna walks on. "Do you not understand the blackmail process and how it works?" Madonna stole a line from Sue, yet Sue worshipped her as a little girl? Really? "Just do what I do? Never say no." Not really feeling Tina and Artie as a couple. Will offering to help Emma to advise the female students about sex is just weird. Didn't really understand the point of stilts in the "And I Feel Like Home." Why is Puck fighting Madonna so hard? Loved the staging and camerawork on "Express Yourself." "I need a younger, inferior man." Loved Santana trying to seduce Finn. Little disappointed that "Burning Up" was only used as background music, I love that song. Really liked the mash up of "Borderline" and "Open Your Heart". "Madonna belongs to me"...did Sue really say that? "Maybe you should try a new setting on your flobee." Sue cracks me up rewriting her history to fit Madonna's. Kurt and Mercedes agreeing to help Sue has disaster written all over it. Jonathan Groff is so freaking sexy, but there's nothing about him that says heterosexual, making this so called romance with Rachel hard to believe. Emma came onto Will? seriously? Jane Lynch nailed "Vogue" with the aid of some excellent editing. The three couples morphing into "Like a Virgin" was brilliant. Loved Sue calling Kurt and Mercedes Whoopi and Don Knotts. Who does Sue think she is demanding that certain kids be kicked out of school? "Just come out so we can talk...or sing about it." Loved the reveal that "Like a Virgin" was a fantasy. Are we really supposed to believe that jessie left Vocal Adrenaline for Rachel? I understand how Kurt and Mercedes feel. Liked that song I've never heard before that the guys sang around the piano. Sing off in the parking lot? Seriously? For some reason Lea's version of "Like a Prayer" was pitched way higher than the original, but why? The only singer for whom it was really an advantage was Chris Colfer. Best episode of the show so far.
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Season One, Ep 16. "How do you two not have a show on Bravo?" I knew Sue was going to make Mercedes lose weight, though I'm surprised she only requested a 10 pound loss. Why would Sue admit to Will that she's blackmailing Figgis? "I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary." "You were conceived on a pinball machine.' Kristen Chenoweth's back! Really liked her and Matthew's duet "Fire." They sing really well together. I have issues with Chenoweth playing this incredible singer who can't stay sober. She's a little all over the place for my taste, it doesn't fit Chenoweth at all. Why is Mercedes taking this from Sue? She had to have known that Sue's treatment of her was coming. I love Kurt thinking his dad is in love with Finn's mom is going to lead to romance for him with Finn. Chris Colfer's rendition of "A House is not a Home" was gorgeous. Finn has to be television's stupidest character...are we supposed to believe that he doesn't realize Kurt has fallen in love with him? "I just feel better sleeping with someone inside a house." What does that mean? "One Less Bell to Answer" was excellent. Kurt's buying jeans for Finn's mom? That's not weird. :Suddenly I'm not the guy who sat through Riverdance three years in a row?" Kurt's really being too hard on his father. Burt's trying so hard and Kurt just doesn't see it. Mercedes' food fantasy in the cafeteria was hysterical. Why is Quinn being so nice to Mercedes? If he doesn't want to be with her, Will needs to stop advising April about her life. He's not her sponsor. Of course, this is another prime television storyline about alcoholism that doesn't know anything about the disease. I hope Finn and Kurt aren't planning to break up their parents because that never works. Loved Finn's mom putting her husband's ashes in the easy chair. Finn doesn't give a damn what his mother is going through. Who was that actor playing the reporter? Mercedes' speech reminded me of the finale of Revenge of the Nerds and I knew exactly what song she was going to sing. Well, he hasn't gotten any lines or solos, but at least Dijon Talton got a closeup during the song. Did we really need that reporter pumping up Sue's already over inflated ego? Burt's speech to Finn was perfection and was pleased that it shut Finn up. "I hate Duke like I hate the Nazis." Chenoweth looked breathtaking when she was singing "Home." I think my heart skipped a beat when Chenoweth hit that final note on "Home"....damn that woman has a set of pipes.
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Season One, Ep 17. Sue made a video herself doing "Physical"? This woman is so full of herself and it's getting old already. "As soon as I figure out the difference between slander and libel, I'm filing a lawsuit." Loved Rachel being t the bottom of that list. "Maybe if we seemed more dangerous, people would stop throwing my glasses down the toilet." "This song should be arrested for the crime of sucking." Oh, God, Matthew rapping again, when are they going to stop the insanity? Liked the choreography though. "That's coffee, it's usually masked by the smell of fear." Molly Shannon was funny. It is great seeing Sue get back some of the way she treats everyone else. "You nearly married a gym teacher who's more gravy than man." Loved Sue calling April a banana magnet. Puck looked really hot in that phantom mask. Jayma Mays was great in that scene in the teachers' lounge, didn't think Emma had it in her. Loved the MC Hammer cover, at least they kept Matthew Morrison out of it. Will trying to get info about the list was kind of silly. Every time Sue writes a sentence, does she always underline the final word of the sentence three times? Cute cameo from Olivia Newton John. Loved when Sue called Kurt Ladyface. LOVED Jane and Olivia's re-do of "Physical.". That "Run Joey Run" video was weird. How was Rachel able to put that video together without the guys realizing what was going on? Jean really brings out the human in Sue. Liked that scene with Will and Quinn. "I have this pathological need to be popular." Lea's vocals on "Total eclipse of the Heart: were great but wasn't really feeling the ballet class motif. Why wasn't Harry in that number?
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Season One, Ep 18. Puck's mother washes his hair? Seriously? So Puck has lost his MoJo without his mohawk? Glad to see Mercedes not falling for Puck. "You're top 40 , I'm rhythm and blues." Really don't get Will's assignment, it sounds like the exact opposite of the problem. "Because there's never an excuse for stirrup pants." "Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan cab." Wait a minute, Rachel wasn't doing that on purpose? "So you like showtunes, doesn't mean you're gay, just means you're awful." Mark Salling and Amber Riley nailed "The Lady is a Tramp." Kurt attempting to butch it up in order to gain his father's favor is too funny. "I'm not a box, there are more than four sides to me." Loved Brittany coming on to Kurt. "I'm like Tinker Bell Finn, I need applause to live." Love the note Kurt ;left on the door. The Mercedes/Santana duet was hot. Loved when Santana called Mercedes "Weezy." Chris Colfer's take on "Rose's Turn" was fantastic. That scene with Kurt nd his dad was lovely. Weak musical finale to a pretty solid show, pretty much stolen by Chris Colfer.
Last edited by Gideon58; 09-27-24 at 07:51 PM.
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Season One, Ep 19. Neil Patrick Harris! I never knew he was on this show. The Doodly Doo Music Revue (LOL). Molly Shannon's cameo was hysterical. I find the analogy of show choir as a disease is a little bothersome to me. Harris' character seems to be a musical reimagining of Alec Baldwin's character in Glengarry Glen Ross. Artie and Tina should have watched In the Gloaming. It's a really good movie. I feel terrible about it, but I'mn having trouble thinking of a major star who is wheelchair-bound. Rachel would be a terrible Dream Laurey. Jonathan Groff would have more chemistry with Mark Salling than he does with Lea Michele. "I sound like somebody put tap shoes on a horse and shot him." "Can't feed a child sheet music Will." Why is Rachel convinced that her mother has to be a legendary Broadway diva? Hopefully, learning who her real mother is might bring Rachel down to earth a bit. Neil's character having a past with Terri, should have seen that coming. "I have box of playbills hidden in my porn." They could have picked a much more interesting duet for Neil and Matthew than "Piano Man." "It looks like you...I think you're in fifth position." Jessie shouldn't have pressured Rachel into listening to that tape,,,that's something Rachel should do alone. Neil Patrick Harris is so much better than Matthew Morrison. The duet at the audition was better than "Piano Man." Artie bought tap shoes? Seriously? The fantasy number in the mall was fantastic,,,nice to let Kevin McHale out of the chair once in a while. LOVED seeing the Cheerios getting threatened for a change. The idea of Nail Patrick Harris having sex with Jane Lynch makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Whoa, the director of Vocal Adrenaline is Rachel's mom. Okay Rachel's mom is fictional diva, but it might have a humbling thing for Rachel to find that her mom is a regular might have been good for Rachel. I'm curious who initiated that meeting between Artie and Emma. Every piece of music from every Broadway musical? I don't think so. "I've grown weary of insults, Will and they make me want to punch your face." Will giving Brian his part? I'm sorry, no real actor would do that, not in a million years, even if he wants something bigger in return. I'm not buying it, that move just took every bit of credibility from the character of Will Schuster and i will be looking at him through a jaundiced eye from now on. I will never be able to be objective about this character ever again. Besides, what if the director doesn't want Brian, it's not really Will's decision but on any level, it's a stupid storyline movie. And I can think of at least a dozen songs I would love to hear Idina Menzel and Lea Michele duet on besides "I Dreamed a Dream."
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