Your Favorite Movie of every genre?


I am looking to compile a list of must see movies for myself across every genre of movies, so I have a simple question for you all. What is your favorite movie of each genre of movie?

I am looking to compile a list of must see movies for myself across every genre of movies, so I have a simple question for you all. What is your favorite movie of each genre of movie?
You first.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You'll end up with thousands of titles.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Action: The Incredibles
Adventure: Thelma and Louise
Comedy: Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Drama: Fight Club
Documentary: Dear Zachary
Fantasy: A Ghost Story
Historical: Hunger/United 93
Horror: Funny Games
Musical: Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Romance: Call Me By Your Name
Sci-Fi: Children of Men
Thriller: Nightcrawler
Tv Movie: Duel
War: Dr. Strangelove
Western: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I am looking to compile a list of must see movies for myself across every genre of movies, so I have a simple question for you all. What is your favorite movie of each genre of movie?
Oh, I like these sorts of questions . I've just completed my Top 100 so most of the titles I'm sure will come from that. Bear with me .

Tramuzgan's Avatar
Di je Karlo?
Action: Terminator 2
Adventure: Back to the Future
Comedy: Birdman, Idiocracy and Fantastic Mr. Fox (it's a tie)
Drama: Fight Club
Documentary: This is not a movie
Fantasy: How to Train Your Dragon
History: Legenda o Kolovratu
Horror: Coraline
Musical: South Park BLU
Romance: Wall-E
Sci-Fi: Interstellar
Thriller: North by Northwest
War: The Hurt Locker
Western: Logan

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
Predator covers all the bases. Pretty much.