Oscar Picks

Weirdest Songs in Movie Soundtrack


Every year around the holidays I watch The Ref, and every year I get even more confused by the ending song played over the credits, Broken Circles by David Stewart.


This was a dark Christmas comedy starring Dennis Leary. Why the hell did they choose a somewhat strange smooth rock tune by a former member of the Eurythmics?

Anyone else have any songs in movies they found to be bizarre, or at least bizarre choices?

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Tiptoe through the tulips...

A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I once saw Tiny Tim perform Tiptoe Through the Tulips in person, when I was young. Nice guy, but indeed a very strange song. Put to very good, creepy effect in Insidious.

V/H/S 1985 (an excellent horror anthology) uses Hamburger Lady, from Throbbing Gristle, to an equally unnerving effect, albeit in a very different way.

Tiptoe through the tulips...

That song's mere existence is weird.

I once saw Tiny Tim perform Tiptoe Through the Tulips in person, when I was young.
This is amazing. I don't know if you are blessed or cursed.

That song's mere existence is weird.

This is amazing. I don't know if you are blessed or cursed.

To make matters weirder, it was at a circus, of all places. A man juggled fire, an elephant paraded around the ring, and then...Tiny Tim appeared, singing Tiptoe Through the Tulips.

It was like a fever dream.

To make matters weirder, it was at a circus, of all places. A man juggled fire, an elephant paraded around the ring, and then...Tiny Tim appeared, singing Tiptoe Through the Tulips.

It was like a fever dream.

The first thing I thought of was the My Little Rooster song during the opening credits for Gummo, a truly strange movie.

I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

The one in Nagisa Oshima's Three Resurrected Drunkards comes immediately to mind, like a helium induced chipmunk song.

Have to mention that one from Even Dwarfs Started Small too