Oscar Picks

50 Most Underrated Movies


35. Midnight Meat Train

(I warned you there'd be trashy ones. But honestly, this one's a lot better than its title suggests.)

Holy Motors is great. As is Enemy.

Vanilla Sky was an average remake. The original is better.

I still haven't seen the original. I have to check that out.

34. I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore
I really wanted to love that film as it has awesome ingredients. But I didn't - I can't remember anythng about it other than there was a few laughs.

I really wanted to love that film as it has awesome ingredients. But I didn't - I can't remember anythng about it other than there was a few laughs.

For me, it may help that I empathize a lot with the protagonist, and growing up i knew guys 100% like Elijah Wood's character.

A system of cells interlinked
I liked many of the films on the list so far, especially Sunshine. Trick-r-Treat is firmly ensconced as an every year watch on Halloween night for us, as well.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I liked many of the films on the list so far, especially <i>Sunshine. Trick-r-Treat </i>is firmly ensconced as an every year watch on Halloween night for us, as well.
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Hocus Pocus
Halloween (1978)
Trick R' Treat

My background movie playlist every 10/31

So far, Enemy and Vanilla Sky are tied for most up votes. Will we see a movie voted the ultimate Underrated Film?

It almost certainly won't be this film, because about only two of us remember it:

26. Nightbreed (the Director's Cut)