The drunj thread




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Screw it. Sry. Will find it on laptop lol. Just Google banana Batman bale. Its a banana saying nsnsnsns. *A. Nanana. Cuz old Batman OMF Adam west =*(

Geez even these posts I ramble =/
What even is that banana thing? I tried googling what you suggested and no such banana batman came up! Was it all a ploy to make sober me google bananas and batman? I love both, yanno...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Good to see la drunj thread active again for some larffs.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I love them all. White wine was my first love.
Sparkling for me. I'm allergic to red, and suddenly a few years ago found I couldnt tolerate white either.

Me too! Red only, though. Maybe rosé if you do horrible things to it.
I love them all. White wine was my first love.
I use white for cooking, or too drunk to notice/care. In other words, later!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
A shame to be allergic to it.
LOL. Every time I'm asked by a doctor if I have any allergies and I say red wine he or she replies with OMG, what a tragedy.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Two of my brothers love red wine, but for some reason suddenly became allergic recently. One found that even after one glass he couldnt get a restful night, and the other gets gut problems and wakes up with a raging hangover. Last time we had a family weekend the next day he said he didnt think he was drunk, and I said you werent. I've never seen him with such a hangover.

Two of my brothers love red wine, but for some reason suddenly became allergic recently. One found that even after one glass he couldnt get a restful night, and the other gets gut problems and wakes up with a raging hangover. Last time we had a family weekend the next day he said he didnt think he was drunk, and I said you werent. I've never seen him with such a hangover.
That's weird, and must be incredibly annoying.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Very strange isn't it. The eldest s+opped drinking completely.

HAU GUYS!!! I'M Drunk and thoughy tbere should be a definitive drunk thread. HERE IT ID IN ALL ITS GLORY.

I need to pee.
Can't drink any more. Not for a very long time. Cannot believe the dumb things I have done under the influence. Black holes, anyone?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Made it home. Watching mike Tyson about to punch out Zack galfabackid etc oh he just knocked him ZOUT LOL. The hangover on basic cable. Mike Tyson's mystery cartoon thing is pretty funny btw. Whatever its called.

I Cantbimsgine being allergic to wine. But beer makes me sicky. Bleh. Oh. Dani. I saw a vid on 4some lil critters on an island off Perth ..I think. Happy lol fuzzies that saddle up to you for levels. Leaves. I thought of yr avatar. But not that.

Bleh. Morrissey sucks.